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"Oh shave!" sez Josiah, "I guess I know all about a jimson weed. Why they groin; that is all there is about them. They grow, dumb 'em. I guess if you'd broke your back as many times as I have a pullin' 'em up, yon would know all about' em. Dumb their dumb picters," sez he, a scowlin' at 'em. It wuz the same kind of weed that growed in our onion beds. I recognized it.

All de picters you'se eber seen can't beat dat!" and Grace gazed long and fixedly at the lovely creature that gazed back with troubled and bewildered eyes. "Was was I like that when when he married me?" "Yes, an' no, honey. You only look like a picter of a woman den a berry pearty picter, but nothin' but a picter arter all. Mas'r Graham hab brought yer ter life."

I want a cook. Artists paint picters; they don't boil potatoes. What do you mean?" "You do not understand, Madame. I am an artist; I have cooked in the best houses." "Ain't this a good house?" "It was, Madame; and I was proud to serve you until the house was turned into an orphan asylum, a a home for children of the street, and " Drusilla flushed suddenly. "That'll do, cook. I've heard all I want.

Not hurrying over the job, I had the fittings knocked together in contriving ways under my own inspection, and here was her bed in a berth with curtains, and there was her reading-table, and here was her writing-desk, and elsewhere was her books in rows upon rows, picters and no picters, bindings and no bindings, gilt-edged and plain, just as I could pick 'em up for her in lots up and down the country, North and South and West and East, Winds liked best and winds liked least, Here and there and gone astray, Over the hills and far away.

Do you know what sech picters costs to paint? Look at Cleopatterer's dress and the jewels she has on. I don't make a farthing on 'em. I gets daily bread out of the other things, and only keeps the picters to oblige one or two ladies of taste that likes to give their rooms a genteel appearance."

Der yer believe it, she'd downed all ther flash picters that ther impenitent thief at Galveston hed coaxed me inter buyin', and in place hed hung up some small engravins, not gaudy-like, but jest catchin'; hed taken' off all the sassy trimmin's from ther curtains, and the hull room war changed, just ez tho' er benediction had been pernounced thar.

You read in 'em what the shepherds did: "Love, Good Will to Man." There wuz some little picters there about six inches square, and marked: "Little Picters for a Child's Album." And Josiah sez to me, "I believe I'll buy one of 'em for Babe's album that I got her last Christmas." Sez he, "I've got ten cents in change, but probable," sez he, "it won't be over eight cents."

"Not," sez I reasonably, "that I would want to compare the seed picters and the butter females to a robber. "They're extremely curious and interestin' to look at, and wonderful in their way as anything in the hull Exposition. "But," sez I, "there is a height and a depth in the soul that them butter figgers can't touch no, nor the pop-corn trees can't reach that height with their sorghum branches.

"'I deliver milk to that boardin' house down the street an' I see a likely lookin' gal there lately an' I wanted some one to help milk an' look after the house, so I asks her to marry me. She says she will, so we hitched up an' I never knew she was one o' yer dern freaks until it was too late. She says she's a "Tattooed Lady," an' she's all covered with picters.

All of a suddent I hears a v'ice say, 'Puttee hands light uppee! Sounds like I'd struck a day nursery, but that ain't so, for just before I hears them words there popped out from behind a rock a Chinaman not, by no means, one of these here little Charlie-boys that does your wash and gives you a ticket with picters of strange insecks painted on it, but a whoopin', smashin' old Tartar pirate, seven foot by three, with mustaches like two tails of a small hoss, and cheekbones you could hang your hat on.