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But Jean Paul Nicholas, Ralph's little pepper-pot of a room-mate, had never ridden a horse in his life, and the running he would come in for at the hands of his fellow midshipmen if they suspected that fact might have made almost any other lad hesitate before taking his initial spin in the company of experts.

Across the square lawn whereon the Clown had found death some thirteen years before peacocks led home their hens and chicks to roost within the two sexagonal, pepper-pot summer-houses that fill in the angles of the red-walled enclosure. The pea-fowl stepped mincingly, high-shouldered, their heads carried low, their long necks undulating with a self-conscious grace.

That's why I always carry a cruet-stand about with me. I'm so fond of salads." And to the amazement of the two men he took a pepper-pot out of his waistcoat pocket and put it on the table. "I wonder why the burglar wanted mustard, too," he went on, taking a mustard-pot from another pocket. "A mustard plaster, I suppose.

"We were just on the point of taking it up when ye came," she explained. "Hot pepper-pot will warm ye better than anything." "Isn't that our Silent Knight?" queried Betty, in a shrill whisper as Peggy was passing through the room. "Yes, Betty. Shall I place him by thee at table?"

What Raffles Holmes's conjecture was was soon to be made clear. In a few minutes we had reached his apartment, and there unlocking a huge iron-bound chest in his bedroom, he produced from it capacious depths another gold pepper-pot. This he handed to me. "There's the mate!" he observed, quietly. "By Jove, Raffles it must be!"

Clifford regarded her anxiously for a moment, then the seductive aroma of the pepper-pot overcame whatever of uneasiness that he may have felt, and he fell to with a relish. Meantime Peggy's brows were puckered in thought. What should she do with him? she asked herself in perplexity. The temper of the people was such that it would not easily brook any indulgence to the enemy.

"And remembered that there were emetics in the cruet-stand," said Father Brown. "Exactly. He threw the cruet in the dustbin where I found it, along with other silver for the sake of a burglary blind. But if you look at that pepper-pot I put on the table, you'll see a small hole. That's where Cray's bullet struck, shaking up the pepper and making the criminal sneeze." There was a silence.

Chrissy!" she said, pointing. On the corner next them, close by the pepper-pot turret, sat the two men, in what seemed to loving eyes a dangerous position, but to the mountaineers themselves a comfortable coin of vantage. The girls thought, "They are looking out for us!" but Ian was there only because Alister was there. The men waved their bonnets. Christina responded with her handkerchief.

The massive house front, and the walls fencing the three sides of the square enclosure before it, with the sexagonal, pepper-pot summer-houses at either corner, looked pale and unsubstantial in that diffused, unearthly light.

"Peggy Owen," she cried, "do I in very truth smell pepper-pot?" "Thee does. I thought that would please thee. And Sally, too, but Robert " She glanced at the lad inquiringly. "Robert is enough of a Quaker to enjoy pepper-pot," answered he emphatically. "This weather is the very time for it too." "We'll forgive thy desertion of us so long as thee was making pepper-pot," declared Sally.