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The ladies did not much like losing so stalwart a defender when Griff returned to Oxford; and Jane the housemaid went to bed every night with the pepper-pot and a poker, the first wherewith to blind the enemy, the second to charge them with.

He would pass over to the sideboard, pepper-pot slyly in hand, and Rupert, whose meal at this hour consisted of grape-nuts and cream, would unaccountably sneeze and snuffle over his plate. "Bless it, Bobs!" his tormentor would exclaim tenderly. "Is it catching cold? Poor old Kitchener! Hi! Kitch! Kitch!" But this morning the dog fed in peace and Carnaby never glanced at him or his basin.

Don't you think we ought to go and separate Sir Beverley and Piers? What an old pepper-pot he is!" "Piers isn't much better," remarked the man she had called Dick. His proper appellation was Richard Guyes, but his friends never stood on ceremony with him. The girl laughed again inconsequently. She was spoken of by some as the spoilt beauty of the county.

His back was turned to Chauvelin and he was still prattling along in his own affected and inane way, but from his pocket he had taken his snuff-box, and quickly and suddenly he emptied the contents of the pepper-pot into it. Then he again turned with an inane laugh to Chauvelin, "Eh? Did you speak, sir?"

You don't mean to say that folks talk about us like that!" "Slander is a dretful long-legged critter," amended Miss Abigail, smiling and sighing in the same breath. "Sary Jane," inquired Mrs. Homan sweetly, "what 's the matter with that pepper-pot? Does it need fillin'?" And so began the reign of peace in the Old Ladies' Home.

Wilkins, gesticulating with the pepper-pot in a way which did not improve the steak she was cooking, and caused great anguish to the noses of her offspring, who were watching the operation. Quite deaf to the chorus of sneezes which accompanied her words, Christie answered, brushing back her hair, as if to get a better out-look at creation generally: "Oh, yes, indeed!

Egerton-Thomson a son at Cambridge, and a daughter, Muriel, at home. I think it must be very bad for the Duff-Whalleys living in such a vulgar, restless-looking house." Pamela laughed. "Do you think all the little pepper-pot towers must have an effect on the soul? I doubt it, my dear."

"And after Yorktown every one thought that of course peace was just a matter of a few months. That it would be declared at once," sighed Sally. "Oh, dear! It makes me sad to think the war is not over yet!" "And I have been the marplot to spoil this merry company," said Mr. Owen contritely. "Let's declare a truce to the matter for the time being, and discuss that pepper-pot. Is't ready, lass?"

"Pull up at the first grocer's shop you see, will you, and buy me a couple of pounds of the best white flour that's milled; and if you can't manage to get me either a sieve or a flour dredger, a tin pepper-pot will do!"

"But," he went on aloud, "didn't that cheating rascal leave you " He stopped abruptly, and the laird saw his eyes fixed upon something on the table, and following their look, saw it was a certain pepper-pot, of odd device a piece of old china, in the shape of a clumsily made horse, with holes between the ears for the issue of the pepper.