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With one accord these freebooters upon Hamete fell, Like hounds that on the stag at bay rush at the hunter's call, Burned the Moor's heart at once with wrath, at once with passion's flame, To save the life and, more than life, the honor of his dame. Straight to his feet he sprung and straight he drew his mighty sword, And plunged into the robber crowd and uttered not a word.

'tis rapturous fear 'Tis heaven upon this mortal sphere; When at her feet we bend the knee, And own the glance of kindred ecstasy For ever on life's checkered way, 'Tis love that tints the darkening hues of care With soft benignant ray: The mirthful daughter of the wave, Celestial Venus ever fair, Enchants our happy spring with fancy's gleam, And wakes the airy forms of passion's golden dream.

You Spaniards are a jealous Nation, But in this English Spaniard Old Francisco, That mad Passion's doubled; wholly deprives him of his Sense, and turns his Nature Brute; wou'd he but trust me only with my Woman, I wou'd contrive some way to see my Carlos. Car. 'Tis certain, Julia, that thou must be mine. Jul. Or I must die, my Carlos. Ant.

Or dost thou, the habitant of some bright star, where frailty such as ours is yet unknown, lend to lovers a rapture unalloyed by passion's grosser sense; as, symphonious with the tremulous zephyr, chastened vows of constancy are there exchanged? Ah! vainly does one solitary enthusiast, in his balmy youth, for a moment conceive he really grasps thee!

She would to-night go over Passion's Perils once more and send it to another company. "I wonder," she said to Merton, "if they keep sending it back because the sets are too expensive.

O fresh and roseate dawn of life; when the dew yet lies on the flowers, ere they have been scorched and withered by Passion's fiery Sun! Immersed in thought or study, and indifferent to the din around him, sat the boy. A careless guardian was he of the treasures confided to him. The crowd passed in Chepe; he never marked it.

And whenas my lids brim over with tears, lest the spy should see And come to fathom my secret, "My eye is sore," I say. Of old I was empty-hearted and knew not what love was; But now I am passion's bondman, my heart to love's a prey. To thee I prefer my petition, complaining of passion and pain, So haply thou mayst be softened and pity my dismay.

Sophia sighed at us as degenerate Winslows, and Emily reserved to herself the right of believing that the daughter was 'a horrid girl. 'Though bound with weakness' heavy chain We in the dust of earth remain; Not all remorseful be our tears, No agony of shame or fears, Need pierce its passion's bitter tide. Verses and Sonnets.

All blessed, she linketh the loves in their choir In the veil of the graces her beauty concealing, She tends on each altar that's hallowed to feeling, And keeps ever-living the fire! From the bounds of truth careering, Man's strong spirit wildly sweeps, With each hasty impulse veering Down to passion's troubled deeps.

The history of humanity its poetry, its romance, its very religion is little more than a Joseph's coat, woven of Love's celestial warp and Passion's infernal woof in the loom of Time.