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And now yes, he has taken I think it must be a flower, from his pocket. I shall have him to dine with me." And vespers ended with rosy clouds of eagerness drifting across the Padre's brain. But the stranger made his own beginning. As the priest came from the church, the rebellious young figure was waiting. "Your organist tells me," he said, impetuously, "that it is you who "

He leaped to his feet, picked up the breviary which had fallen from the Padre's fingers, and returned it to him with a slight touch of gentleness that was unsuspected in the man. The priest's dry, tremulous hand grasped the volume without acknowledgment. "But these proofs?" he said hastily; "these proofs, Señor?" "Oh, well, you'll testify to the baptism, you know."

The Padre's cordiality found full reflection in his visitors' faces as they wrung his hand. "It's been some hustle getting here," said Kars. "There wasn't a chance sending on word. We made the landing, and came right along up. Ha, Murray. Say, we're in luck."

Priest and soldier slept in quiet. To-day the old padre's vision is realized. The treasures of the East pour into the Golden Gate. His simple heart would have been happy to know that thousands of Catholics pause reverently at his tomb covered with the roses of Santa Clara. Golden lances pierced the haze over the hills, waking the padre betimes next morning.

If he could only change what they said, he could rest. "Has the padre any mail for Santa Barbara?" said Felipe. "The ship bound southward should be here to-morrow." "I will attend to it," said the priest, not moving. And Felipe stole away. At Felipe's words the voices had stopped, a clock done striking. Silence, strained like expectation, filled the padre's soul.

"I have no fear on that score, senor," he answered; "I know the country better than they do, and can easily make my way without being discovered. They would not, either, willingly attack the senor padre's servant; and so by daybreak to-morrow I will depart, as my master will be anxious to hear of your arrival."

"The farm." The Padre's eyes smiled kindly. "Good luck," he said. And Buck nodded his thanks as he rode away. But Buck's outward calm was studied. For once in his life his confidence had utterly failed him. He rode over the trail in a dazed condition which left him almost hopeless by the time he reached the familiar corrals of the girl's home.

She had not believed in the truth of it herself, when that irresistible seizure of coquetry took possession of her as she bent over her sweet chrysanthemums; but the Padre's respectful reception of it had caused her to hope that everybody else might believe in it. The character of the smiles, however, that wreathed the faces of her friends did not quite seem to give fruition to that hope.

Accordin' t' my notions, now that th' Padre's over there in th' city t' say nothin' o' what we owe 'em on Pablo's account th' row can't begin one minute too soon. These Tlahuicos are th' boys for me! Didn't I tell you that nobody could stop 'em when they once got fairly started?

Tim gave me this information as we were making our way back to where we had left my uncle and the mules. We were not long in saddling the animals and replacing their packs; and by the time we got back to the padre's bathing-place we found him standing ready to receive us, clothed in dry garments.