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Updated: August 14, 2024

The occasional voices were not given to much speaking you simply heard a gentle ejaculation of "Ow!" followed by a solid thump, and you knew the gentleman had felt a hairy blanket or something touch his bare skin and had skipped from a bed to the floor. Another silence. Presently you would hear a gasping voice say: "Su su something's crawling up the back of my neck!"

He stumped in on his crutches afore Joseph could say any more, and, arter letting his sister kiss 'im, went into the front room and sat down. There was cold beef and pickles on the table and two jugs o' beer, and arter just telling his sister 'ow he fell and broke 'is leg, they all sat down to supper.

"Doze Creole' is lezzy," said Aurora. "That is a hard word to apply to those who do not consciously deserve it," said Frowenfeld; "but if they could only wake up to the fact, find it out themselves " "Ceddenly," said Clotilde. "'Sieur Frowenfel'," said Aurora, leaning her head on one side, "some pipple thing it is doze climade; 'ow you lag doze climade?"

Jennings?" he ses, at last, winking at 'im. "And it'll serve her right for being deceitful. We'll see 'ow she likes it. Wot sort o' chap is the young man big?" "Can't be," ses Ted; "cos Emma called 'im a little shrimp." "I'll come," ses Charlie; "and it'll be your own fault if they find out you told me about it."

"Oh, dear me! the prickles are all running up and down my legs," exclaimed Alexia. "Hush, well, so are mine," declared Clem. "Oh, dear me ow! I haven't sat still for so long ever, I guess." "Nor I," laughed another girl. "Come." Miss Mary was telling Mr. Dyce to lead the way to the dining-room.

Roddy naturally inquired. Whack! "OW!" cried Roddy. "That's no fair!" "You got to say just what I say," Penrod was heard informing him. "That's the rixual, and anyway, even if you do get it right, Verman's got to hit you every now and then, because that's part of the rixual, too. Now go on and say it. 'I solemnly swear to keep the secrets in infadelaty and violate and sanctuary."

First thing we noticed was that the smile went, then 'is eyes opened, and suddenly 'e sat up with a shiver and gave such a dreadful scream that we thought at first the tiger was on top of us. "Then 'e told us 'ow he was sitting washing 'is shirt in a ditch, when he 'eard a snuffling noise and saw the 'ead of a big tiger sticking through the hedge the other side.

The man fished it out of his pocket agin, and held on to it tight while they looked at it. "Where did you find it?" ses Sam. "Found it over there, just by the Mint," ses the man, pointing. "Wot d'ye want for it?" ses Sam's pal. "As much as I can get," ses the man. "I don't quite know 'ow much it's worth, that's the worst of it. Wot d'ye say to twenty pounds, and chance it?"

He stood contemplating it for a moment, not without some hardly perceptible signs of admiration, and then said: "Gin ye had her out upon a muckle water, do ye think ye wad jump oot ower the side o' her, gin the Saviour tauld ye, Alec Forbes?" "Ay wad I, gin I war richt sure he wantit me." "Ye wad stan' an' parley wi' him, nae doot?" "Ow ay, laddie! That's a' richt. Weel, I houp ye wad.

For a moment I thought that his bad luck 'ad turned 'is brain. "You've got it wrong," I ses, as soon as I could speak. "She walked out with me." "Cos she thought you was her 'usband," he ses, "but you didn't think you was me, did you?" "'Course I didn't," I ses. "Then 'ow dare you walk out with 'er?" he ses. "Look 'ere!" I ses. "You get off 'ome as quick as you like.

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