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He'd never forgive me, never, never s'long 's I lived! I hadn't ough' to 'a' come. I hadn't ough' to 'a' come!" Nothing Hazel could say would allay her fears. She listened with horror as the girl attempted to show how harmless the beasts were by telling of her own night ride up the canyon, and how nothing harmed her.

"Oddslife," he growled, "if to have me waylaid, dragged from my horse and wounded by those sons of dogs, your myrmidons, be your manner of expressing gratitude, I'd as lief you had let me go unthanked." "And yet, Cris, I dare swear you'll thank me before another hour is sped. Ough, man, how cold you are! There's a bottle of strong waters yonder "

Baker grasped hard palms, grunted in a friendly manner at every one, his eyes twinkled. "Take care of your money, Knowles. Ough! Soon get a nice wife if you do." The lame man was delighted. "Good-bye, sir," said Belfast, with emotion, wringing the mate's hand, and looked up with swimming eyes. "I thought I would take 'im ashore with me," he went on, plaintively. Mr.

That black jetty, sticking out of the jungle into the empty sea; these roof-ridges of deserted houses peeping dismally above the long grass! Ough!

My memory is failing me with years and I have forgotten everything; my enemies, and my sins and troubles of all sorts I forget them all, but the frost ough! How I remember it!

He went from one to another grunting, "Ough!... See her through it yet;" and unexpectedly, with loud angry outbursts, blew up Knowles for cutting off a long piece from the fall of the relieving tackle. "Ough! Ashamed of yourself Relieving tackle Don't you know better! Ough! Able seaman! Ough!" The lame man was crushed. He muttered, "Get som'think for a lashing for myself, sir." "Ough!

If I die of the plague," she continued, "he has promised not to let me be thrown into that horrible pit ough! but to bury me in my garden, beneath the old apple-tree." "And he will keep his word, dame, I am sure," replied Leonard. "I would recommend you, however, as the best antidote against the plague, to keep yourself constantly employed, and to indulge as few gloomy notions as possible."

Ough! how cold it is, and how my fingers ache with the frost when I take off my mittens to strap on Laura's skates! But, oh, how my cheeks burn! And how careful I am not to hurt Laura, an' how I ask her if that's 'tight enough, an' how she tells me 'jist a little tighter' and how we two keep foolin' along till the others hev gone an' we are left alone!

The owner of the voice sat on the table and hummed fiercely. In the stress of mental anguish caused by his position, Henry made a miscalculation, and in turning bumped the table heavily with his head. "Ough!" said the small girl breathlessly. "Don't be frightened," said Henry, popping up humbly; "I won't hurt you." "Hoo!" said the small girl in a flutter; "a boy!"

"Uncle Terenty," says Fyokia, with a sob, tugging at the lapel of the cobbler's coat. "Brother Danilka has had an accident! Come along!" "What sort of accident? Ough, what thunder! Holy, holy, holy. . . . What sort of accident?" "In the count's copse Danilka stuck his hand into a hole in a tree, and he can't get it out. Come along, uncle, do be kind and pull his hand out!"