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Updated: August 4, 2024

"At our taking leave," writes Colley, jubilantly, "we had the thanks of the vice-Chancellor for the decency and order observ'd by our whole society, an honour which had not always been paid upon the same occasions; for at the act in King William's time I remember some pranks of a different nature had been complain'd of. Mary's Church the contribution of fifty pounds.

His ledger several times mentions purchases of this, and in 1789 his sister wrote him, "when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you I observ'd your fondness for Honey; I have got a large Pot of very fine in the comb, which I shall send by the first opportunity." Among his purchases "sugar candy" is several times mentioned, but this may have been for children, and not for himself.

If she be lost, I shall use it never fear: if she be found, it shall be hers to say what mercy she can discover in her heart; but I promise you I shall advise none." The tears by this were coursing down his shrunken cheeks, but I observ'd him watch me narrowly, as though to find out how much I knew.

And indeed some Places such Sorry, Scoundrel, Empty, Husky, Wither'd, Decay'd Feathers were offer'd to the Proprietors, that I have sometimes wonder'd any one could have the Impudence to send up such ridiculous Feathers to make a Consolidator, which, as is before observ'd, is an Engine of such Beauty, Usefulness and Necessity.

Set the Top sails close Reeft and the people to dry and repair the Damaged Sails. At Noon a strong Gale and clear weather, Latitude observ'd 34 degrees 6 minutes South. Friday, 15th. Fresh Gales at South-West, and for the most part clear weather with a large Swell from the Westward.

5. Secondly, I consider, that common Experience informs us, that as much Light Over-powers the Eye, so when the Ground is covered with Snow, (a Body extremely White) those that have Weak Eyes are wont to complain of too much Light: And even those that have not, are generally Sensible of an Extraordinary measure of Light in the Air; and if they are fain to Look very long upon the Snow, find their Sight Offended by it. On which occasion we may call to mind what Xenophon relates, that his Cyrus marching his Army for divers days through Mountains covered with Snow, the Dazling splendor of its Whiteness prejudic'd the Sight of very many of his Souldiers, and Blinded some of them; and other Stories of that Nature be met with in Writers of good Note. And the like has been affirm'd to me by credible Persons of my own Acquaintance, and especially by one who though Skill'd in Physick and not Ancient confess'd to me when I purposely ask'd him, that not only during his stay in Muscovy, he found his Eyes much Impair'd, by being reduc'd frequently to Travel in the Snow, but that the Weakness of his Eyes did not Leave him when he left that Country, but has follow'd him into these Parts, and yet continues to Trouble him. And to this doth agree what I as well as others have observ'd, namely, that when I Travell'd by Night, when the Ground was all cover'd with Snow, though the Night otherwise would not have been Lightsome, yet I could very well see to Choose my way. But much more Remarkable to my present purpose is that, which I have met with in Olaus Magnus, concerning the way of Travelling in Winter in the Northern Regions, where the Days of that Season are so very Short; for after other things not needfull to be here Transcribed: Iter, says he, Diurnum duo scilicet montana milliaria (quæ 12 Italica sunt) consiciunt. Nocte verò sub splendissima luna, duplatum iter consumunt aut triplatum. Neque id incommodè fit, cum nivium reverberatione lunaris splendoris sublimes & declives campos illustret, ac etiam montium præcipitia ac noxias feras

I have my self been frequently present, when the Caja has been sitting to hear and determine Causes, and have observ'd, that when the Cacklogallinian Advocates have been setting forth the Merit of their Cause, and one of them has produced a Precedent, to shew, that such a Caja in former Times, put such a Construction upon such a Law, yet the Caja then presiding has determined the thing quite otherwise, giving for a Reason, That might be his Opinion, but this is ours.

And this leads to another Observation, namely, That Persons of facetious Talents and agreeable Humour, in whose Temperament, Judgment, and Discretion, as before observ'd, are usually found in a disproportionate Measure, are more inclin'd than others to Levity and dissolute Manners: The same swiftness of Thought and sprightliness of Imagination, that qualifies them for ingenious Conversation, Sports of Fancy and Comick Writing, do likewise give them an exquisite Taste of sensual Pleasures, and expose them to the prevailing Power of Tempting, tho forbidden Enjoyments.

When these things above said are well observ'd, they make a new Prince seeme as if he had been of old, and presently render him more secure and firme in the State, than if he had already grown ancient therein: for a new Prince is much more observd in his action, than a Prince by inheritance; and when they are known to bee vertuous, men are much more gaind and oblig'd to them thereby, than by the antiquity of their blood: for men are much more taken by things present, than by things past, and when in the present they find good, they content themselves therein, and seeke no further; or rather they undertake the defence of him to their utmost, when the Prince is not wanting in other matters to himself; and so shall he gaine double glory to have given a beginning to a new Principality, adornd, and strengthnd it with good lawes, good arms, good friends, and good examples; as he shall have double shame, that is born a Prince, and by reason of his small discretion hath lost it.

Then went thoroughly through ward 6, observ'd every case in the ward, without, I think, missing one; gave perhaps from twenty to thirty persons, each one some little gift, such as oranges, apples, sweet crackers, figs, &c. Thursday, Jan. 21. Devoted the main part of the day to Armory-square hospital; went pretty thoroughly through wards F, G, H, and I; some fifty cases in each ward.

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