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Singleton's a syentiffick man, praps he'll give us a leadin' article in your nixt so no more at present from Yours to command, This contribution was accompanied with an outline illustration of Mivins eating sugar with a ladle in the pantry, and Davie Summers peeping in at the door both likenesses being excellent.

Russell. "Divil a loie I'm tellin'," said "His Majesty." "It's thrue, so it is. I'm nixt av kin to Heuri Cinq that's Chambord, ye know. The Count av Paris is Orleans, not Bourbon. I'm Bourbon, begorra! An' whin Chambord doies, an' the nixt revolution takes place in France, I'll march on Paris an' give pace to that unhappy counthry. An', be jabers!

I was up with me man Pat's a sore fut, an' I was bathin' it to quiet him. I seen yer lights. Ye sit up till ahl hours, I know, but I cud see the shadow movin' up and down. I says to Pat, 'He's the toothache, maybe, and me with plinty of rimidies nixt door." She turned her attention to the tiny creature in her lap.

Now, Moike, if any of these things I've been tellin' you of happens to your cookin', you'll know where to put the blame. Don't say, 'I wasn't made to cook, I guess'. That's what I wanst heard a silly say when she'd burnt the dinner. But jist understand that your wits must have been off a piece, and kape 'em by you nixt toime. But what's that n'ise?" She stepped to the door.

"'Mad, thinks I, 'mad as a coot, an' I tuk wan stip forward, an' the nixt I knew was the sole av my boot flappin' like a cavalry gydon an' the funny-bone av my toes tinglin'. 'Twas a clane-cut shot a slug that niver touched sock or hide, but set me bare-fut on the rocks.

"There's nothin' but empty bowels and empty pipes in our house," the sweep said, "but we've got half a dozen good turf left!" "Well, it's a long lane that's got no turnin' ye might lend us thim," Jamie suggested. "If ye'll excuse m' fur a minit, I'll warm this house, an' may the Virgin choke m' in th' nixt chimley I sweep if I don't!" In a few minutes he returned with six black turf.

"I want to see how it seems to go into a room ten thousand years old." "Nixt ten thousand years!" observed Jimmie. Harry nudged Peter Fenton and pointed to the west wall of the chamber, across which he threw the brilliant circle of the flashlight. "There is the record," he said. "Nix ten thousand years old!" insisted Jimmie. "No one knows how old," Fenton said.

"If you wasn't, I'd knock you into de middle ob nixt week for takin' a grip o' me like dat." "You'll wish yourself into the middle of next fortnight if you disobey orders," returned our hero, tightening the grip. Moses threw back his head, opened his cavern, and laughed silently; at the same time he twisted his arm free with a sudden wrench.

"`Faith an' that's more nor I dare, Bridget, says I. `I promist the docthor, sure, I wouldn't touch another dhrop o' sperrits for the nixt four-an'-twenty hours, as I'm a livin' sinner! "`But I don't want ye to dhrink sperrits, says she. `Me an' me frind Mistress Wilkins here is jist havin' a cup of tay, sure; an' axes ye to jine us, that's all!

I'm thinking," he added thoughtfully, watching the rising anger of the waves, "that bime-by, whin we come near land, we'll be going that fast that we'll skim over the snow like a sled to the nixt lake." Roswell pointed to the shore on their right, indicating a stake which rose upright from the ground and stood close to the water. "What is the meaning of that?" he asked.