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I prom " On the uncle's side of the fence a quick step brought a newcomer, a Creole of maybe twenty-nine years, member of his new staff, in bright uniform: "Ah, Général, yo' moze ob-edient! Never less al-lone then when al-lone? 'T is the way with myseff "

When both rode he had to bear a continual stream of tobacco-scented whisperings poured into his ear. "Mr. March, that crowd wouldn't do me this a-way if they knowed the patri'tisms I feels to 'em. You see, it's they financialities incur the late rise in Clairwateh County scrip. Yass, seh; which I catch the fo'cas' o' they intentions in time to be infested in a good passle of it myseff."

The bes' of fwen's muz pawt, you know." He turned again to Richling with a face all beauty and a form all grace. "I was juz sitting mistfully all at once I says to myseff, 'Faw distwaction I'll go an' see Mistoo Itchlin. I don't know 'ow I juz 'appen'! Well, au 'evo', Mistoo Itchlin." Richling followed him out upon the door-step.

"Mr. Leggett, befo' I comes to dat finality, I owes it to myseff an' likewise to my pa'ents to git yo' respondence to, anyhow, one question, an' ef you de man o' poweh you say you is, y' ought to be highly fitt'n' to give de correc' reply." "Espoun' your question, miss! Espoun' yo' question!" "Well, seh, de question is dis: Why is de ? No, dat ain't it. Lemme see.

"Guess ye don't know what happened down the run last night," he continued impatiently. "'Lige Curtis got killed, or killed hisself! Blood all over the rock down thar. Seed it, myseff. Dad picked up his six-shooter, one barrel gone off. My dad was the first to find it out, and he's bin to Squire Kerby tellin' him."

But thass the way with me always making some i'onies." He stopped with a sudden change of countenance, and resumed gravely: "Mistoo Itchlin, looks to me like you' lookin' ve'y salad." He fanned himself with his hat. "I dunno 'ow 'tis with you, Mistoo Itchlin, but I fine myseff ve'y oppwessive thiz evening." "I don't find you so," said Richling, smiling broadly. And he did not.

"Co'se I'd like ter know jes whar Nimbus is, but I know he's all right. I'se a heap fearder 'bout Bre'er 'Liab, fer I 'llow it's jes which an' t'other ef we ever sees him again. But what troubles me now, Miss Mollie, is 'bout myseff." "About yourself?" asked Mollie, in surprise. "'Bout me an' my chillens, Miss Mollie," was the reply. "Why, how is that, 'Gena?"

It in the sacred scripters, which I hope that, like myseff, fum a chile thou hass known them, ain't you? Yass, well, thass right. I loves to see a young lady pious. I'm pious myseff. Ef I wan't a legislater I'd be a preacher. Now, you ass me the same riddle what Delijah ass Saampson. An' you know how he anseh her? He assed a riddle to her.

Johanna's modest smile glittered across her face as she slowly replied, "No-o, seh, I cayn't 'zac'ly fine myseff ama-aze', 'caze Miss Barb done wrote about it in her letteh." "Psheh!" said John, playing incredulous, "you ain't got air letter from Miss Barb." The girl was flattered to ecstasy.

And so I think I'm bound to show that to you, biccause I muz'n' be careful only for myseff, and if he's say such thing' likewise to you, then tha'z to be false to both of us together. But, I think, she say, 'M. De l'Isle he coul'n' never do that!" "How did she say all that, angrily or meekly?" "Oh! meek and weeping till mademoiselle she's compel' to weep likewise.