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What it was came out a few mornings after, when he called at Number 5 Carondelet street. "The Doctah is not in pwesently," said Narcisse. "He ve'y hawdly comes in so soon as that. He's living home again, once mo', now. He's ve'y un'estless. I tole 'im yistiddy, 'Doctah, I know juz 'ow you feel, seh; 'tis the same way with myseff. You ought to git ma'ied!" "Did he say he would?" asked Richling.

"What I mean, Mistoo Itchlin," resumed Narcisse, preferring to avoid Mary's aroused eye, "what I mean Doctah Seveeah don't un'stan' that kine of business co'ectly. Still, ad the same time, if I was you I know I would 'ate faw my money not to be makin' me some inte'es'. I tell you what I would do with you, Mistoo Itchlin, in fact: I kin baw' that fifty dollah f'om you myseff."

I has been entitle Slick an' Slippery Leggett an' yit what has I always espress myseff? Gen'lemen, they must be sufficiend plenty o' chicken-pie to go round. An', Mr. March, if she don't be round, she won't go round.

You di'n' write him: 'Wire answer'? You muz' do that! I'll pay it myseff!" "I thought I'd wait one more day. He may have other manuscripts to consider." "Mr. Chezter, that manuscrip' is not in a prize contess; 'tis only with itseff! You di'n' say that?" "I implied it as gracefully as I could." "Ah! graze' the h-only way to write those fellow, tha'z with the big stick! 'Wire h-answer!"

'Consistency, thou awt a jew'l. It's juz as the povvub says, 'All work an' no pay keep Jack a small boy. An' yet," he hurriedly added, remembering his indebtedness to his auditor, "'tis aztonizhin' 'ow 'tis expensive to live. I haven' got a picayune of that money pwesently! I'm aztonizh' myseff!" The plague grew sated and feeble.