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He meant to stay here, refusing to benefit by the change in his affairs, out of consideration for his relatives." "And you approve his passing off this western farmer for a Jernyngham?" Mrs. Colston asked. "Oh, that!" Muriel's laugh was scornful. "You were satisfied with the man until you knew his name was Prescott. How was it that you didn't miss the inherent superiority of the Jernynghams?

"Old Muriel's canvassing like anything downstairs among the kids!" "Is canvassing allowed?" "Well, it hasn't been forbidden. Nesta and I are too proud to go and beg for votes, but Mu doesn't care in the least; rather enjoys it, in fact. She's sitting in the playroom, with Florrie Leach and Betty Marshall on her knee, 'doing the popular, and giving away whole packets of sweets.

Patty did not think much of this incident at the time, only setting it down to Muriel's caprice, and being quite accustomed to her cousin's ill humours; but in the light of after events it wore a different aspect.

A night's rest did much to restore the two girls after their terrible experience on the rocks. By next morning, though Muriel's foot still hurt her when she walked, they were both well enough to return to school, where, as you may imagine, they had many things to relate to their companions, who were brimming over with eagerness to hear a full and detailed account of the whole adventure.

She dried her tears; she drew closer the black scarf round the shoulders of her white dress; she straightened the violets at her belt Muriel's mid-day gift till he beheld her, white and suffering indeed, but lovely and composed queen of herself.

She turned and clung to him convulsively with an inarticulate murmuring that ended in passionate tears. Why had he gone? That was the question that vexed Muriel's soul through the long hours that followed her return to the Residency. Lying sleepless on her bed, she racked her weary brain for an answer to the riddle, but found none. Her brief doubt regarding him had long since fled.

Life in Paris, spiced with the political intrigues incident to diplomatic circles, would divert her thoughts, and might possibly make the coming years endurable. Was the game worth the candle? No thought of Muriel's misery entered for an instant into this entirely sordid calculation, or would have deterred her even momentarily, had it presented itself in expostulation.

Prescott went to look for your brother, and yet you would not say a word," she said. "Ah!" exclaimed Gertrude sharply. "So you have seen him! You drove over this afternoon one might have expected that." Muriel's eyes sparkled, but she answered calmly: "Yes, I went to see him; but you're evading the point. What reason could you have had for trying to injure an innocent man?"

As he did so he took another forward step, and instantly, with a terrific splash, he and his rider were floundering in brown water up to his withers in the ditch below the submerged edge of the road. To Muriel's credit it, must be said that she bore this unlooked-for immersion with the nerve of a Baptist convert.

She moved to her and put her arm about her. Against it she could feel Muriel's heart beating violently. Suddenly from the Fort came the noise of heavy blows and a crash, instantly followed by a shot and then fierce cries. "Oh, my God! What is happening?" murmured the girl, her hand on her heart.