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Updated: August 6, 2024

Dis bottle's de med'cine, an' de chile is to hab a teaspoonful ebery half an hour. Ef I could be there, de chile should hab a sweat, sure; but dis med'cine'll hev to answer! Dis yer is a teaspoon an' a teacup, 'cause ye won't find nuffin fit fur to drink nuffin out ob. Hagar knows how dem yer Culm folks lib! Now, ken ye 'member all dat, honey?"

Now that Whitey was back, Bull was so full of contentment that it almost gave him indigestion. "Injun, do you remember the day Bull came?" Whitey asked. "And how I said maybe it was a good omen, and there ought to be something doing on the ranch? Well, there has been something doing on and off." "Um," said Injun, looking at Bull, with a gleam of appreciation in his eye. "Him good med'cine."

Go straight up to prexy's house; I've got something p'ticular to shay t' him. Shame, way the team sold out t'-day! Disgrace to old Winthrop! Have a good mind to leave the college myself an' go to Alden; they're men there! They know how to stan' up an' take their med'cine. Great place, Alden! Guess they'll be shorry here when they shee me with a great big A on my sweater!"

And the papooses forget our tongue, and they make words out of strange drawings which the white med'cine man makes on a board. Tchah! We forget our fathers. We feed when your people give us food, and our young men are made to plough. We only hunt when we are told to hunt. Our life is easy, but it is not a brave's life." Nevil nodded, and chose his reply carefully.

Snake Foot, and Med'cine Charlie, and Little One Man were working as they always worked for the white woman they loved. The outfit with which they had returned from Seal Bay was changed. The dogs were fresh, and the long sled was laden with a canoe that was securely lashed to it. The blankets and stores were loaded in the frail body of the light vessel.

Gee, it's a mean man that can't take his med'cine." "You needn't bark up that tree, Will," said Peter, patiently. "We're all responsible for this the whole of Barnriff." Then he smiled. "You see, Doc Crombie has approved." Then it was that Henderson saw fit to change his manner.

It was the soft voice of Mrs. Ross which replied, and Julyman welcomed the sound. All Indians loved the "med'cine woman," as they affectionately called the doctor's wife. "It was the best party we've had in a year," she cried enthusiastically.

He knew when to hold his tongue. "Yes," the young man went on. "My father was a wise chief, but he was old too old. Why did he keep the white girl alive?" "He took her for you. You only had fifteen summers. The white girl had eleven or thereabouts. He was wise. It was good med'cine." Then the chief stirred himself.

As the chieftain's last words die away the men of "med'cine" rise from their groveling attitude and a fresh dance begins. But this time it is not confined to the clearing. It is one which launches them into the midst of the audience. Hither and thither they caper, and from their tracks emerge a number of very young men.

If you'd do that, I tell you that cuss'll hit the trail so quick you won't git time to see it, an' you'll bust yourself laffin' to think you ever tho't it was around your layout. An' before I done talkin' I'll ast you to remember that when menfolks git around insultin' a helpless gal, cuss or no cuss, he's goin' to git his med'cine good an' from me." Buck's effort had its reward.

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