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"Anyway, Hannah coughed for a day or two more, and then her brother come totin' in a big bottle of med'cine. "'There! he says. 'That'll fix you! "'Where'd you get it? says she. "'Down to Henry Tubman's, he says. "'Henry Tubman! What on earth! Why, Henry Tubman's a horse doctor! "'I know he is, says Kenelm, solemn as a roostin' pullet, 'but we've been fishin' with the wrong bait.

I'm loaded some heavy with six thousand pounds in the lead, an' mebby four thousand pounds in the trail wagon; an' I stops a day to give my stock a chance to roll an' breathe an' brace up. My off-wheel mule a reg'lar shave-tail is bad med'cine.

He wrenched the arms with a twist at each question, and, at each twist, the boy uttered that weird cry that was scarcely human. "Well, if I can't," Will went on through his clenched teeth, wrenching his arms as he spoke, "it cuts both ways; you'll get your med'cine here instead, and you daren't speak of it see, see, see!" The boy's cries were louder and more prolonged.

But he would rather have had it from some one else. He twisted his cigar across his lips and spat a piece of tobacco leaf out of his mouth. "Wal," he began deliberately, "I don't guess it's good med'cine talkin' names. But I don't mind sayin' right here this thing's made me feel mean. The story's come straight from that that Jonah gal's farm. Yep, it makes me feel mean.

"You don't need to ask fool questions. You don't need to worry how I look. It's you we need to think for. How many boys are you taking?" "Three. Little One Man, Snake Foot, and Med'cine Charlie. They're all I need. Snake Foot and Charlie with the big canoe and outfit, and Little One Man and me with the other. We're out after a big bunch of pelts."

"You put me to a lot of trouble coming all this way. Still, I don't guess I mind much. Most folks get their med'cine. You're going to get yours to-night. How d'you like it?" He wrenched the weakly arm till the boy cried out again, and dropped to his knees in anguish. But, with a ruthless jolt, Will jerked him to his feet, nearly dislocating his arm in the process. "Oh, you're squealing, now, eh?

And we'll promise each to take our med'cine as it comes, and cut out the personal hate and resentment it's likely to try and inspire. We'll be fighting machines without soul or feeling till peace comes. Then we'll be just as we are now friends. Can you do it? I can." For all the feeling of the moment Nancy laughed. "It sounds crazy," she exclaimed. "It is crazy. But so is the whole thing." "Yes.

You quite roared with delight when you heard of a fool, who, mistrusting himself and his bride, tried his fortune after the fashion of the Sortes Virgilianæ, by dipping into Shakspeare on his wedding-day and finding "Not poppy nor mandragora, Nor all the drowsy syrups of the East, Shall ever med'cine to thee that sweet sleep Which thou ow'dst yesterday."

When they've done with her they'll have knocked all the girl out of her, and turned her adrift on the world behind a pair of disfiguring spectacles, with her beautiful hair all scratched back off her pretty face, and maybe 'bobbed, and they'll fill her grips with pamphlets and literature enough to stock a patent med'cine factory, instead of the lawn, and lace, and silk a girl should think about, and leave her with as much chance of getting happily married as a queen mummy of the Egyptians.

"When the grim lion urg'd his cruel chase, When the stern panther sought his midnight prey, What fate reserv'd me for this Christian race? O race more polish'd, more severe, than they "Yet shores there are, bless'd shores for us remain, And favour'd isles, with golden fruitage crown'd, Where tufted flow'rets paint the verdant plain, And ev'ry breeze shall med'cine ev'ry wound."