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Med'cine is mine: what herbs and simples grow In fields and forests, all their powers I know, And am the great physician called below." Apollo to Daphne, in OVID'S Metam. PRYDEN'S Trans.

"Get well quick, dear," she whispered tenderly, holding the tiny, hot hand against her cheek after a quaint fashion they had of saying good-night to each other. "I can't have a good time even with Saint Elspeth and Glen if you are at home sick. Take your med'cine like a good girl, and about Wednesday I 'xpect Saint John will be coming after you if grandpa hasn't brought you before."

Man-of-the-Snow-Hill alone differed in his dress and attitude. He was wrapped in a large buffalo robe, and was stretched out upon a pile of skins to ease his rheumatics, while, spread out before him, were a number of charms and much "med'cine," which had been so set by his wise men to alleviate his ailments.

'Tain't consumption that's ailin' you, Hannah; you've got the heaves. "So Hannah didn't cough much more, 'cause, when she did, Kenelm would trot out the bottle of horse med'cine, and chuck overboard a couple of barrels of sarcasm.

My distemper is of the mind, the heart; nay, it is wounded honor, lass, and there's no ill of body can sting a man so shrewdly as that. Say that I have thy pardon, Barbara, if thou canst say it in truth, and 't will be better than any med'cine in Fuller's chest."

Cattle-rustlers is mostly men. Mebbe they're low-down, murderin' pirates, but they're men as us folks understands men. They ain't allus skunkin' behind Bible trac's 'cos they're scairt to git out in the open. They're allus ready to put up a gamble, with their lives for the pot. An' when they gits it I guess they're sure ready to take their med'cine wi'out squealin'. Which needs grit an' nerve.

He seized Lennon and dragged him out. Pete had squatted down to fasten a loop of the hoist rope about Carmena, who lay behind the sacks of corn that barricaded the crane-hoist entrance. She was speaking rapidly to the young Navaho in mingled Spanish and English. At sight of the other Navaho and Lennon she paused. Pete took the opportunity to mutter a sullen reply: "Basta. Slade, him bad med'cine.

Jest call her out. She's goin' to git her med'cine right here in the open. I ain't doin' no parlor tricks." The boy stood out from the crowd with a decided show of mild bravado, but he glanced about him, seeking the moral support of his fellows. "You best knock on the door, Ike," said Curly quietly. Ike hesitated. Then he turned doubtfully to those behind. "You you mean that?" he inquired.

I'm out for it all. I want it all. And if Uncle Steve's right, and I'm wrong, and I go under, I'm ready to take the med'cine however it comes." The smile of the woman was full of the mother. It was full of the Indian, too. "Oh, yes," she said quickly. "What you call him, 'chance. The 'big chance. So it is. It good. So very, very good for the big man. Marcel the big man. I know. Oh, yes. I know.

Kissin' a gal like that can't be done around here." "But Pete was not here. He didn't know." Joan was quick to grasp the weakness of his argument. "It don't matter a cent," cried Buck, his teeth clipping his words. "He needed his med'cine an' got it." Joan sighed hopelessly. "You don't understand, and and I can't tell it you all. Sometimes I feel I could kill myself.