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Updated: August 6, 2024

Life looked like a meadow, full of daisies and pinks, and the nicest ones and the sweetest birds was just a little ways on where the sun was it didn't look wasn't we happy?" "Yes, yes, dear. But you mustn't talk so much." The good woman thought Matilda's mind was wandering. "Don't you want some med'cine? Ain't your fever risin'?"

He looks stuck on that there present now," and he nodded toward Injun, who was devouring the stickpin with his eyes. "Mebbe he thinks it's med'cine," Single went on. "Medicine!" exclaimed Whitey. "Sure good luck," said Single. "An' if he does, you couldn't pry it off'n him with a steam dredge." It had not occurred to Whitey that Injun was superstitious.

"Wal, it ain't quite clear how it come about, but the story, which is most gener'ly believed, says that the first Med'cine Man was pertic'ler cunnin', an' took real thick with the white folks' way o' doin' things. Say, he learned his folk a deal o' farmin' an' sech, an' they took to trappin' same as you understand it.

You see, there's well " The churchman broke off, and turned appealingly to the Agent. "The fact is," Parker said, in his quick, abrupt manner, "Jim Crow and some of the other boys have warned me that these red heathens are 'making med'cine. I don't know what it means yet. I wish to goodness the troops were nearer." The Agent's hard face was very set. His final wish was the key-note of his life.

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