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You can send it tomorrow, or any time you like. Wednesday. My dearest Irene. 'Her name's not Irene. 'Oh no, I forgot. Take that out. Dear Margaretta. Circumstances have occurred since I last had the pleasure of seeing you that make it absolutely impossible that I could ever meet you again. 'Oh, I say! 'Go on. Ever see you or meet you again. You wish to be kind to her, I suppose? 'Oh yes.

Margaretta as pretty as ever? The boys are at Harrow, I suppose? And my old favourite, Mr. Henderson? She could not manage to slip in this last inquiry naturally; in spite of herself there was a change of tone, an accent of eagerness. Cynthia did not reply on the instant; she poured herself out some water with great deliberation, and then said,

The two extra men-servants, hired to wait upon Lady Dumbello, had vanished. The champagne had ceased to flow in a perennial stream. Lady Rosina had come out from her solitude, and had preached at him constantly. Lady Margaretta had given him some lessons in economy. The Honourable John, in spite of a late quarrel, had borrowed five pounds from him.

"I ought to confide in your judgment, aunt, I know; but I cannot see as you do in this particular instance." "Then you ought rather to suspect the correctness of your own observation, when it leads to conclusions so utterly opposed to mine." To this Margaretta did not reply. It seemed too much like giving up her own rationality to assent to it, and she did not wish to pain her aunt by objections.

The unhappy Mercury retired, and as he disappeared, the pent-up anguish of the empress burst forth. "Ah, Margaretta," cried she, in accents of wildest grief, "what an unfortunate woman I am! In all my life I have loved but one man! My heart, my soul, my every thought are his, and he robs me, the mother of his children, of his love, and bestows it upon another!"

And they also learned that, according to common report, some eight or ten survivors of the ill-advised landing-party had succeeded in fighting their way back to the ship, which had thereupon got under way and sailed out of the harbour, leaving the Santa Margaretta ablaze from stem to stern.

"Oh, don't talk of that, mamma," said Margaretta, putting a little scorn into her voice. She had not been quite pleased that even her mother should intimate that all her chance was over, and yet she herself had often told her mother that she had given up all thought of marrying.

"And so, Mr Gresham, I am to be told, that after all it means nothing," said Patience, putting her handkerchief up to her eyes. "It means that you are an excellent hand at quizzing a fellow like me." "Quizzing! No; but you are an excellent hand at deceiving a poor girl like me. Well, remember I have got a witness; here is Lady Margaretta, who heard it all.

"I am sure, aunt, he is not so constant in his attentions as he was some time, ago; and, if he were merely a money-hunter, he would not, of course, abate those attentions." "No not unless he had discovered a richer prize." "Indeed, aunt, you wrong him." "I should be sorry to do so, Margaretta. But I do not form my opinions hastily. I try to look close before I come to conclusions.

"Yes, ladies are so fond of such sacrifices, Frank, upon my word, I had no idea you were so very excellent at making speeches." "Well," said Frank, "I shouldn't have said sacrifice, that was a slip; what I meant was " "Oh, dear me," said Patience, "wait a minute; now we are going to have a regular declaration. Lady Margaretta, you haven't got a scent-bottle, have you?