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"My word," he cried, "you're the goods! And no mistake, Mr. Poirot! These witnesses of yours are all right, I suppose?" "Voila! I have prepared a list of them names and addresses. You must see them, of course. But you will find it all right." "I'm sure of that." Japp lowered his voice. "I'm much obliged to you. A pretty mare's nest arresting him would have been." He turned to Inglethorp.

The tribe to which they had been sent was on the point of holding a grand council, the feast of mare's flesh was ready, and the dance prepared: in the morning the ambassadors were to have returned to the Cordillera. They were remarkably fine men, very fair, above six feet high, and all under thirty years of age.

Fletcher pulled up altogether, and turned to the silent woman beside him. "Mrs. Denvers, you are splendid!" he said simply. She laughed rather tremulously. The tension over, she was feeling very weak. The saice was already at the mare's head, and Fletcher let the reins go. He dismounted without another word and went round to her side.

"They think I know nothing about him. I know some, and I want to know more." "I'll settle that," said Joses. The jockey was pulling the mare's ears thoughtfully. "You'd like to take a little bit of Putnam's, I daresay?" he said. "I wouldn't mind if I did," replied the tout. "It was them done you down at the trial," continued the jockey. "Old Mat and his Monkey and Silver Mug. The old gang."

The old man slapped the saddle upon the mare's back. "Look here, father, I want to know what them men are diggin' over in the field for, an' I'm goin' to know." "I wish you'd go into the house, mother, an' 'tend to your own affairs," the old man said then. He ran his words together, and his speech was almost as inarticulate as a growl. But the woman understood; it was her most native tongue.

Ida Bellethorne began to cool down after a while and Betty could guide her more easily. She had begun to talk to the pretty creature soothingly, and leaned forward in her saddle to pat the mare's neck. "I don't blame you for being scared, Ida Bellethorne," crooned Betty. "I was scared myself, and I'm scared yet. But don't mind. Just be easy.

You haven't grown much, though you've got your hair done up," said Ishmael, thankful for any diversion from Annie's reproachful arms, which had slid from his neck to hang by her side. "I'm quite grown-up, though," said Phoebe, dimpling. "She mean's she's too old for you to kiss, lad," said simple John-James with directness, grinning as he took the mare's bridle to lead her to the stable.

At a distance their moving shapes would have seemed like shadows only. There was no other sign of life upon Wreckers' Head. A light but keen and salty breath blew in from the sea. Cap'n Ira faced this breeze with twitching nostrils. The old mare's lower lip hung down in depression. She groaned. She did not care to be led out of her comfortable stall at this unconscionably early hour.

And if so, what was his interest in the German officer who had so suddenly died in the field hospital the occupant of Cot 24, Hut H? The girl's mind was still in a whirl. Had she called Lafrane to the front for nothing at all? Had she really been stirring up a mare's nest? She listened, however, to the countess' further observations: "But yes, Mademoiselle, we all do what we may.

I overtook her, and seizing the mare's bridle, I exclaimed: "Stop, Edmee, I say! You shall not go any farther." At the same time I shook the reins so violently that her horse reared. She lost her balance, and, to avoid falling, jumped lightly to the ground between our two animals, at the risk of being hurt. I was on the ground almost as soon as herself. I at once pushed the horses away.