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"Go and tell mother, please," replied the girl, still on her knees. "And send one of the lads with a rug and a wheelbarrow." The young man walked away down the hillside, leading the two ponies. Left alone, Boy brushed away the flies that had settled in black clouds on the mare's face. The foal repeated its ungainly efforts, whimpering in a deep and muffled voice, like the wind in a cave.

Higgins's Johnny, who had to go and git through the ice into the crick just the one week in all the winter when I was laid up with a bad foot from splittin' kindling. I begun to think I wasn't ever goin' to git my chance but it's come. It's come at last and I got to cut along and be there!" Once more he leaned over the dash and slapped the old mare's back with the slack of the lines.

It was nearly ten years since the great days of Father David's black mare; she had passed into legend, and Father David, something heavier than he was but no less keen, now followed hounds in more leisurely fashion on the back of the black mare's son, a portly and careful bay cob. "I'm very pleased to see you out, Mr.

He went up to the mare's head, took her by the bit, and pulled her up. We set off. I held on to the cushion of the droshky, which rocked 'like a boat on the sea, and called my dog. My poor mare splashed with difficulty through the mud, slipped and stumbled; the forester hovered before the shafts to right and to left like a ghost. We drove rather a long while; at last my guide stopped.

Lapham, if she felt fear, was too busy holding her flying wraps about her, and shielding her face from the scud of ice flung from the mare's heels, to betray it; except for the rush of her feet, the mare was as silent as the people behind her; the muscles of her back and thighs worked more and more swiftly, like some mechanism responding to an alien force, and she shot to the end of the course, grazing a hundred encountered and rival sledges in her passage, but unmolested by the policemen, who probably saw that the mare and the Colonel knew what they were about, and, at any rate, were not the sort of men to interfere with trotting like that.

"Three million feet ain't worth talkin' about," "You make me tired," "Say your little say the way you oughter," "Found purty nigh two millions pocketed on Mare's Island, or we wouldn't a had that much," "Damn-fool undertaking, anyhow." "Men," cried Thorpe, "I have been very fortunate. From failure success has come. But never have I been more fortunate than in my friends.

But Philip only made light of her fears, and told her the leaps were nothing, scarcely worthy of the chestnut mare's powers. The course was not crowded, but there was a considerable sprinkling of spectators on each side of the rope soldiers from the Shorncliffe barracks, country people, and loiterers of all kinds.

Now, go an' git ready ez quick ez the Lord'll let ye." As she heard the mare's hoofs in front of the door, Rachel came out with a "slat-sun-bonnet" on her head, and a long, black calico riding-skirt over her linsey dress. Fortner gave her attire an approving nod. Aunt Debby followed her with a bottle. "This is the medicine ye've bin ter git from Dr.

I'll tell all about it." "If that's the way you think yes," said the old man, solemnly "yes tell it but God will never stan' in with fraud." "We'll see," said the Colonel. "I'll keep my word if if you win!" Off they went as before, the old pacer hugging the mare's sulky wheels like a demon.

As for the rest, I look upon it as the most extraordinary mare's nest which the mind of man could possibly conceive. Do you mean to tell me, Mr. Ducaine, that Colonel Ray went so far as to charge Blenavon to his face with being in league with this person?" "He certainly did, sir." "And Blenavon? Oh, Ray is mad, stark mad!" "Your son denied it, sir," I answered. "Denied it! Of course he did.