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Updated: August 22, 2024

Thus walk queens of beloved free lands, barefoot virgins crowned with white flowers, queens of lands of which our too Parisian age does not know. The police sergeant whiffed his shag, vodka, and garlic at Zinaida, and smiling lasciviously, so that the green and the yellow of his crooked teeth showed conspicuously, he said: "Look-a-here, my pretty girl d'ye live here?"

That Injun devil wouldn't make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak 'bout this and they didn't hang him. Now, look-a-here, Tom, less take and swear to one another that's what we got to do swear to keep mum." "I'm agreed. It's the best thing. Would you just hold hands and swear that we " "Oh no, that wouldn't do for this.

I I owe you so much. You're always so very kind to me. And I behave very badly. I was hateful to you this evening. And, when you came to my door, just now, I was I was scared." Pap opened his eyes at her, held his cigar away from him and laughed. The laugh was both bitter and amused. "Scared of Pap Hudson? You scared? But, look-a-here, girl, what've I done to deserve that?"

As they came together he spoke in a certain fierce way, as if he feared that the other would think him to be charitable. "Look-a-here, if yeh wanta git some breakfas' I'll lend yeh three cents t' do it with. But say, look-a-here, you've gota git out an' hustle. I ain't goin' t' support yeh, or I'll go broke b'fore night. I ain't no millionaire."

He would begin, for example, on a very high note, shouting: "Look here! A real! Only one real! Ladies' and gents' hosiery at a real a pair! Look-a-here now! A real a pair!" Then, lowering his register, he would continue, gravely: "A nice Bayonne waistcoat. A splendid bargain!" And as a finale, he would add in a basso profundo: "Only twenty pesetas!"

"Maybe Hannah'd be there, or Sophy, but sometimes we'd be alone while he was playing the piano, you know." "Well, now you look-a-here, Julie," said Connie impressively, "you cut out that being alone business, and the kissing, too. And now how about to-night? Are you sure his whole family is going to- night?" "Well, that's just it, I'm not," Julia confessed, flattered by Connie's interest.

"I'll git up when I please, and not afore." "Well, you might git up this morning, anyhow," said Wid. "Why?" "I got a letter for you." "Look-a-here," said Sim Gage, with sudden preciseness. "What you been doing? Letter? What letter? And how come you by my letters?" "Well, I been talking with Mis' Davidson she run the whole correspondence, Sim.

When when's she comin' to tell me goo'-by?" "Why why look-a-here. Brace up, ole man. She had to leave a'ready." "She's gone?" "Say, you don' think bookin' like that can wait, do you? It was take it or leave it quick. You didn't wan' her to throw away a chancet like that, huh, Freddy? Huh?" Freddy's head sank on his chest. His hands fell limp. "A' right," he murmured without looking up.

He tried to get the telegraph operator and the expressman to go and tell her about it, but they wouldn't, so he went and took a seat near her. "It is a warm day, madame," said Pierce, looking at the red strip at the bottom of her dress. She drew her pistol, cocked it, and pointed it at Pierce, who was trembling in every leg, and said: "Look-a-here, you young cuss.

"What's the matter?" asked Tom. "I burned my finger," sighed Dave. "Burned your finger in a dead fire?" But Dick, stirring the burned bits of wood with his shoe, suddenly lay bare some dull red coals. "Look-a-here, fellows," hailed Dan in the same moment. "Here's meat and bread, and part of a can of tomatoes on the table. The bread ain't old enough to be mouldy."

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