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Sary stood in the doorway grinning sympathetically as she watched John dash away after Anne Stewart, when Jeb said: "Lem'me get by wid this load of wood." She smirked and said: "Ah, Jeb! Thar's nuthin' in the wurruld like young love, ain't it?"

"Mammy's ben er sa-a-as-sin me," sobbed Dumps; "an' she sa-aid de Lord wuz goin' ter sen' an angel fur ter git my ha-air, an' she won't lem'me go-o-o ter see de spec-ec-ec-erlaters." "Well, come in mamma's room," said her father, "and we'll talk it all over."

Dunbar struck a bell at his side, and a clerk came promptly from the rear room. "Nesbitt, step over to the livery stable, and order a carriage sent up at once." Turning to Bedney he continued: "I suppose the gist of all your yarn-spinning is, that you have found a stranger prowling about the place. How did you discover him?" "Lem'me tell you, as fur as I can, how I cum to see ole Marster. Mr.

He came in and approached the superintendent's desk briskly. "Well, suh, hu' many to-day?" he asked. Kingsley looked over his list of absentees. "Four, and two of them spinners. Carpenter, you must go at once and see about it. They are playing off, I am sure." "Lem'me see the list, suh," and he ran his eye over the names.

Van Bibber, being excited, threw him the latter way. Seeing this, the second man, who had so far failed to find Van Bibber's knee-cap, backed rapidly away, with his hands in front of him. "Here," he cried, "lem'me alone; I'm not in this." "Oh yes, you are," cried Van Bibber, gasping, but with fierce politeness. "Excuse me, but you are. Put up your hands; I'm going to kill you."

'Now Massa Parker, said Jack, 'lem'me tell yer jis' how it war 'bout dat wheat. Wen ole Jack com'd down yere, dis place war all growed up in woods. He go ter work, clared up de groun' an' plowed, an' planted, an' riz a crap, an' den wen it war all done, he hadn't a dollar to buy his ole woman a gown; an' he jis' took a bag ob wheat." "What did Mr. Parker say?" asked Sybil.

It bruises my feelins mor'n I'le stand. Lem'me tell you the Gord's truth; argufying with lie-yers is wuss than shootin' at di-dappers, and that is sport I don't hanker after. I ain't spry enuff to keep up with the devil, when you are whipping him around the stump; and I ain't such a forsaken idjut as to jump in the dark. Tell me straight out what you want me to do. Tote fair, Mars Lennox."

Lem'me see," he added after a pause, as if still thinking he'd get to the source of her trouble "Yistidday was Sunday you didn't have to work now what did you eat for breakfast?" "Nothin' oh, I aint got no appetite at all" whined Miss Samantha. "Well, what did you eat I wanter find out what ails you?"

"Just lem'me know when you have appinted to hold your sarching, and I will make it convenient to have bizness consarning that bunch of horgs and cattle, I am raising on shares in the 'Bend' plantation: and you can have your sarching frolic," said Bedney, too angry to heed the superstitious rites. Dyce made a warning gesture, and listened intently.

The ole house is hanted shore 'nuff; and I can't stay there. Lem'me tell you, Lord! Mars Alfred, don't laugh! It's the Gawd's truth, ole Marster's sperrit is fighting up yonder in his room with the man what killed him. I seen him, in the broad daylight, and I have cum for you and Mars Lennox to git there, jest as quick as you kin, so you kin see it fur yourselves.