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He considered, holding open the door while he thoughtfully regarded the silent but interested group of villagers that eagerly hung upon every word that passed. "Cotting," called Mr. Merrick, "how do they run the paper mill at Royal?" "'Lectricity! 'Lectricity, sir!" answered half a dozen at once.

So I jest monkeyed round till I see 'em start to go round the 'Lectricity B'ildin'. Then I jest slipped over between the 'Lectric an' Mines, ye know, and come ahead of 'em jest as they turned to'rds the bridges. I tell ye, he declared with enthusiasm in a bad cause, they couldn't 'a' struck a better place 'an that there second bridge!

"Too busy, aunt," I told her. She bit her bun extensively, and gesticulated with the remnant to indicate that she had more to say. "How are YOU going to make your fortune?" she said so soon as she could speak again. "You haven't told us that." "'Lectricity," said my uncle, taking breath after a deep draught of tea. "If I make it at all," I said.

Uncle Frank wanted it fixed, but Aunt Jane said no; knockin' was just as good, an' 'twas lots cheaper, 'cause 'twould save mendin', and didn't use any 'lectricity. But Uncle Frank says " The door opened abruptly, and Benny interrupted himself to give eager greeting. "Hullo, Aunt Jane! I've brought you somebody. He's Mr. Smith. An' you'll be glad. You see if yer ain't!" In the dim hallway Mr.

Then a joyful murmur ran all along the wires, and Farmer Griggs, who was driving past, said to himself, "Powerful lot of 'lectricity on to-day; should think them Swallers would get shock't and kil't." But it was only the birds whispering together; agreeing to return to their old haunts at Orchard Farm and give the House Children a chance to learn that there are no such things as "common" birds.

Sime as if " pondering hard in search of simile, "sime as if no one 'ad never knowed about 'lectricity, an' there wasn't no 'lectric lights nor no 'lectric nothin'. Onct nobody knowed, an' all the sime it was there jest waitin'." Her fantastic laugh ended for her with a little choking, vaguely hysteric sound. "Blimme," she said. "Ain't it queer, us not knowin' IF IT'S TRUE."

As Hannah said, he seemed to have songs for everything and what he couldn't sing he could play with dazzling skill on the old piano. "There's 'lectricity," said Hannah, "in the very air." "I wished," grumbled Hughie, "he'd put it in the ground instid. The air don't need it. Workin' a farm like this on shares is like goin' to a picnic behind old Nellie and startin' late.

"There, down there, where all that rus' looks so red and bright, that's the gas-works." "What's gas?" asked the little boy. "Oh, a hairy sort of nothin' what you put in balloons to make 'em go up. And you used to burn it till the 'lectricity come." The little boy tried vainly to imagine gas on the basis of these particulars. Then his thoughts reverted to a previous topic.

There was a slight sound of whimpering. Sarah Walker apparently pounced upon the culprit, for it ceased. "Sniffling 'tracts 'lectricity," she said sententiously. "But you thaid it wath Dod!" lisped a casuist of seven. "It's all the same," said Sarah sharply, "and so's asking questions." This obscure statement was however apparently understood, for the casuist lapsed into silent security.