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Updated: August 23, 2024

Another had three lives dropped in a lase for ever; another wanted a renewal; another a farm; another a house; and one expected my lard would make his son an exciseman; and another that I would make him a policeman; and another was racked, if I did not settle the mearing between him and Corny Corkran; and half a hundred had given in proposials to the agent for lands that would be out next May; and half a hundred more came with legends of traditionary promises from the old lord, my lordship's father that was: and for hours I was forced to listen to long stories out of the face, in which there was such a perplexing and provoking mixture of truth and fiction, involved in language so figurative, and tones so new to my English ears, that, with my utmost patience and strained attention, I could comprehend but a very small portion of what was said to me.

"Oh, child! This is what makes you weak, fretting. Don't be that way. Sure here's the lase, and that's good comfort; and the soldiers will be gone out of Clonbrony to-morrow, and then that's off your mind. And as to America, it's only talk I won't let him, he's dutiful; and would sooner sell my dresser, and down to my bed, dear, than see you sell any thing of yours, love. Promise me you won't.

'The LASE! Is it? cried the young man, with joy sparkling in his eyes, as his mother held up the packet. 'Then all's safe! and he's an honest man, and shame on me, that could suspect he meant us wrong. Lend me the papers. He cracked the seals, and taking off the cover, 'It's the LASE, sure enough. Shame on me! But stay, where's the memorandum?

If you get a lase of it at a fair rint, I'll buy another horse, any how. Isn't that doin' the thing dacent'?" "More power to you, Ellish! I'll hold you a crown, I pay you the price o' the horse afore this time twelvemonth." "Done! The sarra be off me but done! an' here's Barny Dillon an' Katty Hacket to bear witness." "Sure enough we will," said Barny, the servant.

"Why, after prayers, we had to go for the agent was not at prayers, nor at home for us, when we called we had to go all the way up to the castle; and there, by great good luck, we found Mr. Nick Garraghty himself, come from Dublin, and the lase in his hands; and he sealed it up that way, and handed it to me very civil.

"The lase!" cried the young man, with joy sparkling in his eyes, as his mother held up the packet. "Lend me the papers." He cracked the seals, and taking off the cover "Ay, I know it's the lase sure enough. But stay, where's the memorandum?" "It's there, sure," said his mother, "where my lord's pencil writ it. I don't read. Grace, dear, look."

The good lord himself granted us the LASE; the life's dropped, and the years is out; but we had a promise of renewal in writing from the landlord. God bless him! if he was not away, he'd be a good gentleman, and we'd be happy and safe. 'But if you have a promise in writing of a renewal, surely you are safe, whether your landlord is absent or present?

No thanks, indeed, were deserved; for the moment he was out of hearing, both cursed him after the manner of their country. 'Bad luck go with you, then! And may you break your neck before you get home, if it was not for the LASE I'm to get, and that's paid for. Lord Colambre followed the crowd into a public-house, where a new scene presented itself to his view. The man to whom St.

"Oh, it's out of the question put it out of your head. No rent you can offer would do, for I have promised it to the surveyor." "Sir, Mr. Dennis knows my lord gave us his promise in writing of a renewal, on the back of the ould lase." "Produce it." "Here's the lase, but the promise is rubbed out." "Nonsense! coming to me with a promise that's rubbed out.

Yet, indeed, there," added she, after another pause, "as you say, I think we are safe; for we have that memorandum in writing, with a pencil, given under his own hand, on the back of the lase to me, by the same token when my good lord had his foot on the step of the coach, going away; and I'll never forget the smile of her that got that good turn done for me, Miss Grace.

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