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"There's the lase for you," said Jack, handing the parchment to Andy, who was now installed in the place of honour beside the bride elect at the head of the table, and the punch circulated rapidly in filling to the double toast of health, happiness, and prosperity to the "happy pair"; and after some few more circuits of the enlivening liquor had been performed, the women retired to the dwelling-house, whose sanded parlour was put in immediate readiness for the celebration of the nuptial knot between Matty and the adventurous Andy.

Dennis himself about the lase and memorandum, which he never denied, but knew nothing about.

Luckily, to prevent her pursuing her observations from the hand to the face, which might have betrayed more than Lord Colambre wished she should know, her own Grace came in at this instant "There it's for you, safe, mother dear the lase!" said Grace, throwing a packet into her lap. The old woman lifted up her hands to heaven, with the lease between them "Thanks be to Heaven!"

'Oh, it's out of the question put it out of your head. No rent you can offer would do, for I've promised it to the surveyor. 'Sir, Mr. Dennis knows my lord gave us his promise in writing of a renewal, on the back of the OULD LASE. 'Produce it. 'Here's the LASE, but the promise is rubbed out. 'Nonsense! coming to me with a promise that's rubbed out.

'But, be that as it may, says he, 'you're improving tenants, and I'm confident my brother will consider ye; so what you'll do is, you'll give up the possession to-morrow to myself, that will call for it by cock-crow, just for form's sake; and then go up to the castle with the new lase ready drawn, in your hand, and if all's paid off clear of the rent, and all that's due, you'll get the new lase signed: I'll promise you this upon the word and honour of a gentleman. And there's no going beyond that, you know, sir.

I'm afeard, Nelly, that I saw his fetch;* and if I did, he hasn't long to live; for when one's fetch is seen at this time of night, their lase of life, let them be sick or in health, is always short. * This in the North of Ireland is called wraith, as in Scotland. The Fetch is a spirit that assumes the likeness of a particular person.

Once again, with that air of lasé cheerfulness she summoned him to his wife's bedside, and once again he stood there looking down upon Marie as she lay there, quiet and worn. Her quietness was the most striking thing about her. She looked at him steadily and remotely, as if he were a stranger, but with less interest; there was even a little hostility about her regard.

Yet, indeed, there, added she, after another pause, 'as you say, I think we are safe; for we have that memorandum in writing, with a pencil, given under his own hand, on the back of the LASE, to me, by the same token when my good lord had his foot on the step of the coach, going away; and I'll never forget the smile of her that got that good turn done for me, Miss Grace.

"I beg your pardon, miss," said poor Andy, who in the extremity of his own humility had committed such an offence against Matty's pride. "I only meant that " "Say no more about it," said Matty, who recovered her equanimity. "Didn't my father give you the lase of the field and house?" "Yis, miss." "You had better let me keep it then; 'twill be safer with me than you."

Dennis himself about the LASE and memorandum, which he never denied, but knew nothing about.