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Updated: August 21, 2024

Times is hard sence beaver went down. I kain't tell ye how hard this here depressin' has set on us folks out here." "Two squaws! My laws! Two what's their names?" This last with feminine curiosity. "Well now, ma'am, I call one on 'em Blast Yore Hide she's a Ute. The other is younger an' pertier. She's a Shoshone. I call her Dang Yore Eyes. Both them women is powerful fond o' me, ma'am.

Ye kain't stand es much es they kin. Don't stay out in the night air too much an', Sally fer God's sake take keer of yeself!" He broke off, and picked up his hat. "An' that gun, Sally," he repeated at the door, "that there's the most precious thing I've got. I loves hit better then anything take keer of hit." Again, she caught at his shoulders.

Then Paul noticed that the prow of their canoe was not turned toward the island, but was bearing steadily toward the north end of the lake, leaving the island well to the left. He glanced at Jim Hart, and the long man laughed low, but with deep satisfaction. "Don't you see, Paul," he said, "that we kain't go to the islan' an' show to them that we've been livin' thar?

I did wrong, but I kain't bear her to be punished. "P'r'aps You've laid this on me jes' to show I'm foolish and weak. That's so, O Lord! I'm in the hollow of Your hand. But You'll save her, O Lord! for Jesus' sake. "I'm all broke up. I kain't pray. I'm skeered. Lord Christ, help her; stan' by her; be with her. O Lord, forgive!"

"Men," he shouted, "we kain't handily blame her she's a woman, an' I honours her fer bein' tenderhearted, but any other tree'll do jest as well! He kain't hev got fur off yit. Scatter out an' rake ther woods." She saw them piling over the fence like a pack of human hounds, and she shuddered. The last man carried the rope, which he had paused to pull from the limb.

"I kain't say I'd want to git in the habit uh bustin' fences that way," he grinned over his shoulder as the three jumped through the gap he had made and forged up to him. "But I calc'late if they's another one Johnny n' me kin make it, mebby." "Well, I was brought up in a barbed wire country," Pink exploded, "but I'll be darned if I ever saw a stunt like that pulled off before!"

"He needs killin', God knows," she declared, "but he mustn't die on yore branches, old Roof Tree hit was love thet planted ye an' love thet planted ye back ergin when hate hed tore ye up by ther roots I kain't suffer ye ter be defiled!"

They saw a shadow fall across the lighted doorway at their backs, and heard the somewhat disturbed voice of Warwick McGivins. "I've got ter go over thar ter ther wheat elevator, I reckon. I kain't find ther key nowhars an' I mistrusts I left hit in ther door when I war weighin' up wheat this evening; I'll jest leave ther two of ye hyar fer a spell." Jerry rose obligingly to his feet.

"Courtin' ought to hev some decent clothes," he said. "I kain't set in the nabob's parlor, with all thet slick furnitur', in Nick Thorne's cast-off Sunday suit." "The cloth's as good as ever was made, an' I cut 'em down myself, an' stitched 'em all over." "They don't look like store clothes, though," objected Skim. The widow sighed. "Tain't the coat that makes the man, Skim."

He merely let his fingers rest, unsteady with hot feeling, on her shoulders as he said, "Why kain't we quit foolin' along with each other, gal? He hain't nuver comin' back ter ye no more." But at that Dorothy jerked herself away and her over-wrought control snapped. "What does ye mean?" she demanded, breathlessly.

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