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Le jeu est fait?" the croupier cried, all in a breath, and repeated the words. Wethermill waited with his hand upon the wooden frame in which the cards were stacked. He glanced round the table while the stakes were being laid upon the cloth, and suddenly his face flashed from languor into interest.

"Mon ami," said the Count, who had tasted Nestie's romance with much relish, "you will pardon me, but it is a banalité, that is what you call a stupidity, to ask whether so good a jeu d'esprit is true. True? Truth is a dull quality, it belongs to facts; but Nestie, he does not live among facts, he flies in the air, in the atmosphere of poetry. He is a raconteur.

He always insisted upon thinking that whatever I said was the wisest and the wittiest, and that whatever I did was the best. The simplest little jeu d'esprit of mine seemed to him wonderfully witty. Once, when he said, 'I wish for your sake, dear, I were as rich as Croesus, I answered, 'You are Croesus, for you are king of Lydia. How often he used to quote that!

"Ah! you would have the grand jeu; I have treated you as an old acquaintance. I only want a hundred francs " "Cibot, going to die?" gasped the portress. "So I have been telling you very dreadful things, have I?" asked Mme. Fontaine, with an extremely ingenuous air. "Why, yes!" said La Cibot, taking a hundred francs from her pocket and laying them down on the edge of the table.

The society applied in its exigency for the use of the hall for an evening meeting, and the application was granted by the members. It was a jeu d'esprit of Henry B. Stanton, "That when Boston votes we go into a stable, but when the State votes we go into the State House."

The only sounds were the occasional clickings of the ivory chips, like the chattering of teeth, and the monotones of the croupier announcing the results of the play: "Faites vos jeux. Le jeu est fait; rien ne va plus." I began to study the personnel of this clinic of chance.

I am above eighty years old, and you but twenty-five; I will qualify your heat, and you my chilliness." We went upon business, drew up our plan, and at parting he said these very words: "Let me alone one week, and after that I will tell you more of my mind, for I hope to convince the Cardinal that I am good for something more than writing the 'Jeu de l'Inconnu."

Soames saw his father and Nicholas glance at each other anxiously; and, on the other side of Swithin, Bosinney, still shrouded in smoke. 'I wonder what he thinks of it? thought Soames, who knew well enough that this group was hopelessly vieux jeu; hopelessly of the last generation. There was no longer any sale at Jobson's for such works of art. Swithin's answer came at last.

"Nobody accepted this sporting offer, or placed upon the colour which the colonel's prophetic soul foresaw was to come out. The cards were now shuffled and cut for dealing. The hell relapsed into silence. "'Faites le jeu, Messieurs! was repeated in the harsh business-like tones of the presiding demon. "'Red wins, croaked the colonel. 'Seven times at the least.

It would cost, beyond doubt, all the money he had, but le jeu vaut la chandelle for some hours he would be once more a Charles of Charleroi. Once again should the nineteenth of January, that most significant day in the fortunes of the house of Charles, be fittingly observed.