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There was an answering cry of surprise and joy, and then the tray, with everything upon it, went crashing to the floor, while Jennie exclaimed: "An', be jabers, the plather an' the tay is all one smash together, in me fright at seem' you here before me, when it's meself was goin' to ask her to take you.

"I always thought you were a fool, and now I know you are one! A drowning man, indeed! why, it's only the broken figurehead of some old vessel or other!" "Look, Mr McCarthy!" cried Mr Meldrum to the Irishman, who just then came up to see what all the commotion was about. "Don't you see what it is?" "Be jabers, I do!" responded the ex-mate, quite as much excited as the other.

"Sure we're in luck, boys, anyhow," said Mr McCarthy joyfully. "Be jabers, I niver expected to git so much ov it all at once without any trouble!"

"Be jabers!" exclaimed Garry O'Neil, unable to keep silent any longer. "The baste! An', sure, that's how you came by that wound in the groin, faith?" "Yes, sir, doctor. The shot struck me when I was all of a heap, and where it went heaven only knows, till you probed the wound and extracted the bullet.

Be jabers! my feet feel as if they were in the ice now, and frost-bitten all over!

Make him whistle Yankee Doodle or sing Hail Columbia. Be jabers, it is not in his looks to do it without choking." Terence's suggestion met with a general laugh of approval.

Dat lil' cloud, h'it look lak' rain, I hope no. "Here come dat lazy I'ishman down de strit. I don't lak' I'ishman, me, non, dey so funny. One day one I'ishman, he say to me, 'Auntie, what fo' you talk so? and I jes' say back, 'What fo' you say "Faith an' be jabers"? Non, I don' lak I'ishman, me! "Here come de rain! Now I got fo' to go. Didele, she be wait fo' me. Down h'it come!

Come in here, or I'll send a bullet for your cards. Quick now." Still another delay. The "prospectors" seemed anxious to edge off into deeper darkness. "If ye're not off that horse's back in ten seconds, be jabers, I'll fire, so be lively." And as his excitement rose so did Feeny's Irish. Four five seconds ticked by and still there was no approach.

"Have we done any good since I went below?" he asked Bok, a sailor who was steering. "No, faith, yer honor. The current sets so fast to the south that sorra a bit more north do we make in an hour than I could throw a cat by her tail. It's wearisome work, yer honor, and, be jabers! it's bitterly cold." Bob buttoned his pilot coat closer around him and shivered. "You are right, Bok." "Hullo, Bob!"

"Och!" said the Irishman, "if the lady can't lave to-night, shure ah' I will take the other room, for be jabers I wouldn't have a woman turned out of doors for me." "You need not fear about that, my good friend," remarked Mr. Elder. "Does the room suit you?" "Yes! It does well enough for myself and my children," was the answer. "Then you can consider yourself a tenant from to-night," Mr.