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"Can't, massa," replied the stowaway, after making a movement, as they could hear, below, succeeded by a suppressed cry of pain; "um leg jammed 'tween box and cask: Snowball feel bery bad tink leg go squash: can't move um nohow." "Be jabers!" exclaimed the good-natured Irishman, "sure an' the poor baste's hurt, and, by your lave, cap'en, I'll go down and say what's the matther."

"`Be jabers, says Pat, as he goes forward in obedience to the chief officer's order, `it's a nice pleasant look-out I'll have all by meeself! while you're coilin' the ropes here, I'll be thinkin' of my colleen there! and he went out on the foc'sl. "By and by we could hear him muttering to himself. `Wurrah, wurrah!

"Sure and be jabers it bates Donnybrook Fair entirely!" said Mr McCarthy, who had also come up from below, the news having also reached him of what was taking place. "The poor baste will soon be bate into a cocked hat with all them ragamuffins on to him at once! It's liking to help him I'd be if I saw the chance!"

"Be jabers, it is the longboat, sorr!" he exclaimed at length; "and faix, sorr, I belave I can say that baste Moody lookin' out over the gunwale, as if tellin' thim where to steer, with his long black hair and ugly mug, and the cut across his hid which the cap'en giv him wid the butt end of his pistol!

"`Kape her away! kape her away! Pat shouted out in a minute or two after the cap'en had come on deck `The top of the berg is loosenin', yer honour; and sure it's falling on us it will be in a brace of shakes! Kape her away, or, be jabers, it's lost we'll be for sartin!

"I'm more glad than ever now that I came; and I wouldn't go back on shore if I could." "Be jabers, that's more'n you'll say, me bhoy, a fortnight hince!" he retorted with a grim chuckle, while the other men grinned in appreciation of the remark.

The boys and Terence were in the fields plowing, at a distance of half a mile from the house, when they were startled by the sound of a gun. Looking round, they saw both the girls standing upon the tower: Maud had just fired the gun, and Ethel was pulling up the flag. "Be jabers! and the Indians have come at last!" Terence exclaimed, and they all three started at a run.

"'Very well, my buck, persisted this ferocious bigot, 'may be the day will come when we'll make you remember this traisen, and swally it too. How would you like to get a touch of the wreckers, my buck? an' by Jabers, take care that you're not in for a lick. A lease! d n me but it would be a nice thing to give the like o' you a lease!

"You can't think how an American boy feels about this war." "An Amerikin! an Amerikin, is it? Let me insthruct ye thin, Misther Bader, that I'm as good an Amerikin as the next man. Och, be jabers, me that's been in the color you see ever since the Prisident first called for men! It was for a three months' dance he axed us first.

"Be jabers, Oi'll kape me oye out fur to say ef Oi can pick up a roight-down comfable arm-cheer fur ye to take a sate whin ye gits toired, sure, a-standin' whin ye're on the watch!"