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"Be jabers, himself has the great consait of it, at all ivents," said Peter. "But he might find people could be tellin' him there's Keoghs as good as any Polymatherses iver was in it ivery hair."

"By Jabers, I thought I was only talking to a dacent boy," says the king. "Well, you know the difference now," says the saint. "I'm Saint Kavin," says he, "the greatest of all the saints."

"Don't ye see, ye fool, he don't belong to any wan of us. He belongs to the crowd to the regiment. That's what he's tryin' to show us. He's what that Frinchman down in F calls a a mascot; and, be jabers, he moves like a soldier!"

As the men were about to go, he who had addressed Sarah so rudely, approached her with as much regret on his face as its hardened and habitual indifference to human misery could express, and said, tapping her on the shoulder: "I was rather rough to you, jist now, my purty girl to' be jabers, it' is you that is the purty girl.

On arriving Bok first fastened to the rope the package he had brought, which was drawn on board, and then the rope was lowered again. "Be jabers! but it's cold, it is," he cried. "If I might be so bold, I would jist suggest that we should go down below. How is the dead man?" "He isn't dead yet," replied Bob, laughing. "But he is sleeping still. I hope you have brought something good for him."

Below there all hands on deck to warp out of dock!" "Be jabers, that'll fetch 'em, sorr," cried Tim with a huge grin, much relishing this summoning of the laggards to work. "Sure, yer honour, ye're the bhoy to make 'em show a leg when ye wants to, an' no misthake at all, at all!" "Aye, and I want them now," rejoined the other with emphasis.

As Jerrold had proposed, he had his chest on one side of the doorway and mine and Weeks's were now stowed alongside our bunks, just sufficient space and no more being left for us to open them without having to shift them, and also to get in and out of the cabin. "Be jabers ye've made a tidy job av it, lads," said the boatswain, coming up as we finished, and surveying approvingly our arrangements.

"I know what Manilla cables are, and I've heard tell o' Manilla cigars, though I've never smoked 'em; but a Manilla guernsey why, who ever came across sich an outlandish thing?" "Be jabers, I have, boatswain," cried Pat Doolan. "Sure, an' I made it mysilf; so, if you'll listen, I'll till ye all about it."

And at last he stood by the trap with the hole in it, under which the Celebrity lay prostrate. I could hear my own breathing. But Mr. Cooke had his wits about him still, and at this critical juncture he gave McCann a thump on the back which nearly carried him off his feet. "They say the mast is hollow, old man," he suggested. "Be jabers, Mr. Cooke," said McCann, "and I'm beginning to think it is!

You should make him say, 'In this country, be jabers, came never knight since it was christened, but he found strange adventures, be jabers. You see how much better that sounds." "came never knight but he found strange adventures, be jabers. Of a truth it doth indeed, fair lord, albeit 'tis passing hard to say, though peradventure that will not tarry but better speed with usage.