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I've wondered whiles if the doctor wouldna send him a bit photograph, just to show him what like she is." Lisbeth would reply, "Peter, it's just nae manner o' use thinkin' o' ony sic a thing. The doctor he's that set against Mr. Davidson that ye micht as weel try to move Ben Lomond itsel' as to move him."

"Ow! the day, ye luik like some cratur o' the storm; or the storm itsel' takin' a leevin' shape, an' the bonniest it could; or maybe, like Ahriel, gaein' afore the win', wi' the blast in 's feathers, rufflin' them 'a gaits at ance." "Who's Ahriel?" "Ow, the fleein' cratur i' the Tempest!

"I thought you told me," he said at length, "that Mrs. the dying woman lived across there." The girl shook her head. "Not in Ruan itsel' Ruan parish. We'll have to go round the point." She was leaning back and gazing straight before her, towards the harbour's mouth.

"It's a bonnie word, an' yir mither wes a sanct; but it's no for the like o' me. It's ower gude; a' daurna tak it. "Shut the buik an' let it open itsel, an' ye 'ill get a bit a've been readin' every nicht the laist month."

"An' an enviable possession it is," said Hendry. "In a wy," admitted Tammas, "but no in a' wys." He hesitated, and then added in a low voice "As sure as death, Hendry, it sometimes taks grip o' me i' the kirk itsel, an' I can hardly keep frae lauchin'." In the lustiness of youth there are many who cannot feel that they, too, will die. The first fear stops the heart.

Eh! sic a heap o' them as there has been sin' Awbel," she went on "an ilk ane them luikin, as gien there never had been anither but itsel'! Ye oucht to see a corp, Ma'colm. Ye'll hae't to du afore ye're ane yersel', an' ye'll never see a bonnier nor my Grizel." "Be 't to yer wull, mem," said Malcolm resignedly.

It was no business of Jessie's to take letters into the drawing-room; she would have deposited any other letter on the hall table; but she brought this one in, and, standing at the door, exclaimed, "Here a letter fr' Huntercombe!" Richard Bassett, Mrs. Bassett, and Ruperta, all turned upon her with one accord. "From where?" "Fr' Huntercombe itsel'. Et isna for you, nor for you, missy.

"We get nothing fit to eat as it is." "I call that stupid, talking like that!" cried Dobbs. "I know the rations are a deal better than ever I expected; capital, I call them." "So they are," said Macintosh; "but if Tarrant had sheep's-head, haggis, and whusky itsel' for dinner, he would na be contented." "Every man to his taste," growled Tarrant; "and if a chap likes tinned meat he's welcome.

This remark drew on him a very severe reprimand from Mr Mac Laurel, who said to him, "Dinna ye ken, sir, that soond is a thing utterly worthless in itsel, and only effectual in agreeable excitements, as far as it is an aicho to sense? Is there ony soond mair meeserable an' peetifu' than the scrape o' a feddle, when it does na touch ony chord i' the human sensorium?

'Now, Sylvia, here's a copy-book wi' t' Tower o' London on it, and we'll fill it wi' as pretty writing as any in t' North Riding. Sylvia sate quite still, unenlivened by this prospect. 'Here's a pen as 'll nearly write of itsel', continued Philip, still trying to coax her out her sullenness of manner. Then he arranged her in the right position.