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Updated: January 1, 2025
There was not one of the three hundred pairs of eyes but was riveted upon the speaker's colourless face. The masks of sullenness and defiance had fallen from them. They were listening now not because they must, but because into their hungry and thirsty souls was being poured the very sustenance for which unknowingly they had yearned.
"Lady of Gold and Black!" said Carl and bowed profoundly. The reckoning of Ronador and the Baron came by the cypress pool. "It is useless to rave and storm," said Tregar quietly. "I hold the cards." "Was it necessary to humiliate me in the presence of Miss Westfall?" demanded Ronador bitterly. With all his sullenness there was in his tone a marked respect for the older man.
Indeed they knew the worst: their prince dead; the flower of their army slain their own brother among the number the rest dispersed; the remaining forces without a leader, without a rallying point, without a hope. What need of farther words? Presently Llewelyn spoke again, this time with more strength, but still with the sullenness of despair: "It was a mere skirmish on the banks of the Wye.
Poor gentleman! The fabric of his rosy dreams had faded to ashes. He looked almost piteously towards Eileen: and, unreasonably, was angry with her because with that sullenness of expression her beauty had departed: she was almost plain. Under his breath he damned Cleopatra. Somehow or other Lady O'Gara found it difficult to get Stella to herself in the days that followed.
Joh. Jonston. Hist. I shall only add, That the Servile Offices that these Creatures are observed to perform, might formerly, as it does to this very day, impose upon Mankind to believe, that they were of the same Species with themselves; but that only out of Sullenness or cunning, they think they will not speak, for fear of being made Slaves.
The walking was no longer involuntary, but they had definitely to think of each movement necessary to the step, and this gave them a further reason for preoccupation, for concentration. Dick's sullenness returned, more terrible than in the summer. He went forward with his head down, refusing to take notice of anything. He walked: that was to him the whole of existence.
I want to have lunch at the river." Enoch was sullen as they started on but his sullenness did not last long. As his fear receded, his curiosity increased. He gazed about him with absorbed interest, and he began to bombard the guide with questions in genuine boy fashion. "How far is it to the river? Do we have any steeper trails than the ones we've been on, already?
He was fashionably dressed, but perhaps rather extravagantly; his face was full and heavy, expressive of sullenness and stupidity, and marked with the lines of strong vulgarity; his age might be somewhere between forty and fifty.
Jones's type could not face with impunity. "Well, I don't pretend to know," said she, with angry sullenness. "You pretended to know just now. If folks don't know, it seems to me the best thing they can do is to hold their tongues, anyhow." "I am holding my tongue, ain't I? What has got into you, Sylvia Whitman?"
The wife's voice paused abruptly on this word of imprecation, or appeal, as though her own passion choked her. David stood beside her awkwardly, his eyes fixed on the gravel, wherewith one foot was playing. There was no more sullenness in his expression. Margaret's hand still played restlessly with the handkerchief. Her eyes were far away, her mind absorbed by the story of her own fate.
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