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From the rusty rifles on the reef Jenks brought away the bayonets and secured all the screws, bolts, and other small odds and ends which might be serviceable. From the barrels he built a handy grate to facilitate Iris's cooking operations, and a careful search each morning amidst the ashes of any burnt wreckage accumulated a store of most useful nails.

The tears came to Iris's eyes. "And now we shall go on living as before." "I think not," he replied. "In the generations of Man, the seasons continue side by side; but spring does not always continue with winter." "I know, now," interrupted Mr. Emblem, suddenly waking into life and recollection; "I could not remember at first.

She had no fear, however, that her disobedience would have any uncomfortable results; though in this she was mistaken, as is often the case when we judge of things too hastily. For the very next afternoon, while she was reading aloud to Mrs Fotheringham, the door opened and the maid-servant announced a visitor Lady Dacre. The name struck a chill to Iris's very heart.

He is a big man, handsome and burly, and he seems good-tempered. When I told him what was the full amount of Iris's inheritance " "Iris's inheritance!" Arnold repeated. "I beg your pardon, Clara; pray go on; but it seems like a dream." "He only laughed, and said he was glad she would have so much.

Above, on the bridge, Hozier smiled sourly at the squall which had so suddenly beset the fair argosy of the convivial-minded Watts. He tried to invest the incident with an excess of humor. Any excuse would serve to still certain disquieting doubts that were springing into alarming activity. Had he gone the best way to work in allaying Iris's conscience-stricken qualms?

"Take time," said Arnold; "there is no hurry." Mr. Emblem shook his head. "I shall remember the rest to-morrow, perhaps," he said. "Is there anything else you have to help us?" asked Arnold: "never mind the letter, Mr. Emblem. No doubt that will come back presently. You see we want to find out, first, who Iris's father really was, and what is her real name. There was his coat-of-arms.

Why, what will it matter? Have I not lost all, except Iris? One must not be selfish. Oh, Iris, what a surprise what a surprise I have in store for you!" He placed the letter he had been reading within the tape which fastened the bundle, so that it should form a part of the communication to be made on Iris's birthday. "There," he said, "now I shall read this letter no more.

By this time the light was failing. "That will suffice for the present," he told the girl. "Tomorrow we will place other sentries in position at strategic points. Then we can sleep in the Castle with tolerable safety." By the meager light of the tiny lamp they labored sedulously at the rope-ladder until Iris's eyes were closing with sheer weariness.

Wearily turning over his papers, he suddenly came across the last letter written to him by Iris's mother. How she doted on their only child! He recalled one night, shortly before his wife died, when the little Iris was brought into her room to kiss her and lisp her infantile prayers. She had devised a formula of her own "God bless father! God bless mother! God bless me, their little girl!"

"I am afraid of myself. Please leave me." He caught the sob in her voice, and it unmanned him; he stalked off, raging. He remembered how the fiend, in Gounod's incomparable opera, whispered in the lover's ear: "Thou fool, wait for night and the moon!" and he was wroth with himself for the memory. While off duty he kept strict watch and ward over the gangway in which Iris's cabin was situated.