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Then we who had let them pass in pity were requited after the way of the borregueros we were sheeped out, down to the naked rocks, and the sheepmen went on, laughing insolently. Ay, que malo los borregueros, what devils they are; for hunger took the strength from our cows so that they could not suckle their calves, and in giving birth many mothers and their little ones died together.

As the unfortunate Anson fell, the Duke turned to Cantemir, who was separated from him by two prone figures and the chest. The Count held the advantage and meant to use it by springing ahead into the opening. There was no opportunity for Buckingham to either reach him or head him off. Cantemir had caught up the filled bags and was smiling insolently across at him.

Here in our American cities are the overwealthy and the insolently worldly people. They have their palatial town house, their broad inland acres; some of them have their seaside homes, their fish and game preserves as well. Here in our American cities are the alien, the ignorant, the helpless, crowded into unclean and indecent tenements, sometimes 1,000 human beings to the acre.

He merely asked, without altering his insolently easy attitude: "How much? Unless it's a good deal, I prefer the letter." Oh, why could she not cry out: "Leave the house at once your vulgar threats are nothing to me" Why could she not even say in her own heart: I will tell my husband tonight? "You're afraid," said Wyant, as if answering her thought.

In no uncertain voice Wallie called to him. "You will oblige me if you will ride more slowly," Wallie said, speaking very distinctly when Mr. Stott came back to ask what was wanted. "Why, what's the matter?" His feigned innocence added to Wallie's anger. "I don't want that horse ruined." "I am paying for him," Stott returned, insolently.

She was desperately afraid there would be a scene if she said yes to Dick now in Alan's hearing. The latter strode over to her instantly, and laid his hand with a proprietorial air on her arm. From this point of vantage he faced Dick insolently. "Miss Holiday is going out with me," he asserted. "You clear out." The tone and manner even more than the words were deliberate insult.

'Tak your hat, Louie! Yo're allus leavin summat behind yer. 'David, yo go for 't, said the child addressed to a boy by her side, nodding her head insolently towards the speaker, a tall and bony woman, who stood on the steps the children had just descended, holding out a battered hat. 'Yo're a careless thing, Louie, said the boy, but he went back and took the hat.

The men were laughing and crying insolently: "We've caught you this time, pretty one!" "We'll fondle you to your heart's content you shan't forget us so soon!" They drew closer and closer to her and blew their hot breath upon her. Elisaveta suddenly came to herself, tore herself away with a quick movement and began to run.

Grace at the last died childless, though she seems to have been a pious wife; and Saleby came back at the last to William's long defrauded line. Yet another forestar also under ban found some men in his forest cutting brush-wood, handled them insolently and was cut to pieces and stuck together again with twigs and left at the cross roads.

A monopoly, now grown so bold, that when the public protests that the franchise is violated, because the interests of the people are no longer served; a Vanderbilt railroad king, insolently replies: 'The public be damned! A monopoly that has killed all healthy competition, by organizing all railroads into one giant pool; thereby creating the mother of trusts, controlling a corruption fund of enormous magnitude.