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And when does it happen in their case, during the course of the show, or when there is nobody about but those connected with it?" "Oh, always during the course of the entertainment, sir. Indeed, it has never happened at any other time never at all." "Oho!" said Cleek. "Then it is only when they are dressed and made up for the performance, eh? Hum-m-m! I see."

Glossop good-night, and retired to her own rooms with the avowed intention of going to bed. About twelve minutes later the young Duke of Heatherlands, too, left the room, and went up after her." "Hum-m-m! What for?" "He says for the purpose of making one final appeal to her, to what womanhood was in her, by showing her the miniature his wife wore of their little son and heir.

Next thing happens, Blake'll be turning up with a surveying outfit." Knowles scratched his head. "Hum-m-m You sure put up a mighty stiff argument, Kid. I'm not so sure, though.... Um-m-m Strikes me some of your knots might be tighter. First place, there wasn't any play-acting about the way the boy went plumb to pieces there at the waterhole.

But his good-night was gay. For a time after his departure Joe eyed Steve, sidewise. "Hum-m-m," he cleared his throat. "Hum-m-m! And I was expectin' you to turn up any hour of the last twenty-four with a request that I come and help bring home the remains. You must be quite a silver-tongued exhorter, aren't you, Steve?"

"'Introducing The Pilgrim," he murmured to himself, after a moment of silence, and the professor of English accent could not have been more perfect, "The Pilgrim! Hum-m-m, surely! And a really excellent name for publicity purposes, too. It it fits the man." Then he threw back his head he came suddenly to his feet, to pace twice the length of the room and back, before he remembered.

Smeer does not approve of the race track, of course?" "No, he does not. He is absurdly 'narrow' on some subjects, and 'sport' of all sorts is one of them. But, beyond that, he is a dear, lovable, old fellow, of whom I am amazingly fond." "Hum-m-m! And Lady Wilding and Mr. Sharpless, do they, too, disapprove of racing?" "Quite to the contrary.

"Absolutely. Saw the letter he wrote to Logan." "Hum-m-m! Feel that you can rely on Logan, do you?" "To the last gasp. He's as true to me as my own shadow. If you want proof of it, Mr. Cleek, he's going to sit in the stable and keep guard himself to-night in the face of what happened to Murple and Tolliver." "Murple is the groom who was paralysed, is he not?" said Cleek, after a moment.

"Bart," he demanded, "did you loan Scraggsy some money?" The honest McGuffey hung his head. "A little bit," he replied childishly. "What d'ye call a little bit?" "Three hundred dollars, Gib." "Secured?" "He gimme his note at eight per cent. The savin's bank only pays four." "Is the note secured by endorsement or collateral?" "No." "Hum-m-m!

That would make it somewhere in the close neighbourhood of a quarter to twelve when the maid left her mistress; and it was three o'clock in the morning, was it not, when the murder was discovered? Hum-m-m! Singular, most singular, amazingly so!" "What?" "The condition of these two candles. Look at them," said he, taking one out of the silver holder and extending it for Narkom's examination.

They're half-castes, for one thing, and well, you can't trust a half-caste at any time." "Hum-m-m! Nothing more than that, eh? Just a natural dislike? And your Aunt Ruth; what of her?" "Oh, just the regulation prim old maid: sour as a lemon and as useful. A good sort, though.