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"French!" was Cleek's silent comment upon him. "One of those charlatans who infest the streets of Paris with their so-called 'fortune-telling birds, who, for ten centimes, pick out an envelope with their beaks as a means of telling you what the future is supposed to hold. What has made a woman like this pick up a fellow of his stamp? Hum-m-m!

You can use your code book and save a couple of dollars." "Code book!" Mr. Hankins protested indignantly. "Why, who ever heard of a code book for cabling on baby business?" "Use your shipping code. Here; hand me that code book. There's bound to be something to fit the occasion there always is. Hum-m-m! Ahem! Harumph-h-h! Let us see what we shall see under the head of cargoes; Loading! Discharging!

I'm desirous of selling a quarter of a million bushels at the market; and, as I am furnishing the plans and specifications for this raid, I suggest that you sell at least a quarter of a million yourself." "Funny business!" Cappy murmured. "Selling a quarter of a million bushels of wheat you do not own and never will! Hum-m-m! Ahem! Harumph-h-h! Then what?"

"Absolutely, Mr. Allison. A lot of people have come to look on your word as law in this country, you know a lot of them!" "Hum-m-m," replied Allison. "Hum-m-m." Both of them were quiet for a time. Steve's next remark brought Allison's head up sharply. "I meant to bring some of my estimates and plans down with me, when I came," he told him.

He'll be here, I figure, before or soon after the boys get Mr. Blake up into God's sunshine." "Brother Tom, Daddy you mean my Brother Tom!" joyfully corrected the girl as she took the glasses. "Well, you've got to give me time to chew on it, honey. It's come too sudden for me to take it all in." He stood up and gazed gravely at the smiling mother and her comforted baby. "Hum-m-m.

Now then! He graduated from college at the age of twenty-two did he not?" "He didn't graduate, Alden. He was requested to leave." "Hum-m-m! I didn't know that. What for?" "General uselessness and animal spirits, I suppose. It wasn't anything dishonorable. The main contributory cause was an alleged poem lampooning some individual they called Prexy." "Hum-m-m!