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The moment he was fairly inside the door the visitor halted, came easily and naturally to "attention" and bowed respectfully, while the cool glance of his keen blue eyes held steadily the autocrat of the Blue Star Navigation Company. "Mr. Ricks, Peck is my name, sir William E. Peck. Thank you, sir, for acceding to my request for an interview." "Ahem! Hum-m-m!" Cappy looked belligerent.

Smeer does not approve of the race track, of course?" "No, he does not. He is absurdly 'narrow' on some subjects, and 'sport' of all sorts is one of them. But, beyond that, he is a dear, lovable old fellow, of whom I am amazingly fond." "Hum-m-m! And Lady Wilding and Mr. Sharpless do they, too, disapprove of racing?" "Quite to the contrary.

"Not seen much use, apparently; the leather's quite new, and the inside quite unsoiled. British manufactured brass, too, in the buckle. Shouldn't have expected that in a Persian-made article. Inscription scratched on with the point of a knife, or some other implement not employed in metal engraving. May I trouble you for a pin? Thank you. Hum-m-m! Thought so.

"Hum-m-m," puffed Allison. "Hum-m-m!" He spoke directly to Stephen O'Mara, who half turned his head at the first heavily facetious syllable. "So you did get my message, eh? I rather thought that it wouldn't reach you, up-river, until to-day." An ample smile embraced the tall figure in riverman's garb and his own daughter's crimson countenance a most meaningful smile of roguery.

Never before, in his long and honorable life, had the judge been moved by a case as this had moved him. There was nothing in all his rich experience to equal it. In all his reading "Hum-m-m," said the judge, reflectively, remembering. He rose slowly and went to the bookcase nearest the fire.

You see, I didn't give him a second's notice; just told him he was spending too much time in play and too much money for pleasure, and that until he came into his private fortune he would have to earn any money he desired to spend. I have been very firm." "That's the stuff, Joe. And is he trying to earn it?" "Yes, I think so. He's sticking round the office at any rate." "Hum-m-m!

Granted that it took them a full minute and it probably did not take them half one to open the doors and come to his assistance, he would not be stone dead in so short a time; and he was stone dead when they got in, I believe you said?" "Yes. God knows what killed him, the coroner will find that out, no doubt, but there was no blood shed and no mark upon him that I could see." "Hum-m-m!

This seemed to throw a new and unexpected light on Miss Baker's mind. "I thought he was always so very respectable," said she. "Hum-m-m!" said Miss Todd, who knew the world. "Eh?" said Miss Baker, who did not. "It depends on what one means by respectable," said Miss Todd. "I really thought he was so very " "Hum-m-m-m," repeated Miss Todd, shaking her head.

"The luck of the Blue Star flag still holds. That belligerent and highly intelligent fellow Murphy has received our cablegram, sent him in care of the American consul, and in accordance with my instructions he is acknowledging its receipt. Hum-m-m! The first word is 'oriana. Let me turn to 'oriana. Hum-m!

Skinner's calm cold features refused to thaw, however, under the heat of his employer's enthusiasm, seeing which Cappy slid out to the edge of his chair and gazed contemplatively at Skinner over the rims of his spectacles. "Hum-m-m!" he said. The very tempo of that throat-clearing should have warned Mr.