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There, during the remaining years of his life, as the sole preacher and teacher in the settlements between the Yadkin and the Catawba rivers he found willing soil in which to sow the seeds of Liberty. * See Hoyt, "The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence"; and "American Archives," Fourth Series. vol. II, p. 855.

Hoyt, in a low, even voice, and with a faint smile on her lips. "Children fall out of windows sometimes." "But don't always get killed," answered Mrs. Dinneford, coldly. "Or, it might drop from somebody's arms into the river off the deck of a ferryboat, I mean," added Mrs. Hoyt. "That's better. But I don't care how it's done, so it's done." "Accidents are safer," said Mrs. Hoyt.

The chair rocked with less regularity; soon it came to a stop, and Eliza was peacefully sleeping in its ample depths. Louise now rose softly and rang her bell. Footsteps approached, and a knock came upon the door. She admitted Dr. Hoyt, Mr. Burke, and two servants. The physician approached the sleeping girl and gently lifted the lids of her eyes. Then he nodded with satisfaction.

"Hoyt," he said, "you're a young man, and very likely you have never seen anything like this before. But I have. Not exactly the same thing, perhaps, but similar phenomena have come my way a number of times since I went in the business, and I want to tell you there are things in heaven and earth not dreamt of "

They all looked at Hoyt, and the conductor went up to him and asked him if he didn't know any bettor than to be carrying around such cheese as that? Hoyt said he hadn't got no cheese. The conductor insisted that he had, and told him to turn his pockets wrong side out. Hoyt jabbed his hands into his pockets, and felt something cold and clammy.

We shall have so saved it that the succeeding millions of free and happy people, the world over, shall rise up and call us blessed to the latest generations. It was in one of these speeches that Lincoln's power of repartee was admirably illustrated by a most laughable retort made by him to Douglas. Mr. Ralph E. Hoyt, who was present, says: "In the course of his speech, Mr.

The issue of this marriage who lived to maturity were Virginia, who died unmarried; Cornelia who was married to Colonel Henry L. Scott, General Scott's adjutant general for many years, and who, dying, left one son, Winfield Scott, now a resident of Richmond, Va.; Camilla, who married Gould Hoyt, of New York, and died leaving children; Ella, who married Carroll McTavish, and has several daughters.

Hoyt still hung upon the confines of eternity; and Beulah, who had not closed her eyes for many nights, was leaning over the bed counting the rushing pulse, when a rapid step caused her to look up, and, falling forward in her arms, Clara cried: "Save me! save me! The chill is on me now!"

Burr's partiality for me was due to the circumstance that at Lake Pleasant I had sent a buck-shot fifteen rods straight to the mark. Hoyt was finally driven from the field, his only consolation being my promise that I would fire but once, and whether successful or not, I would return to the camp.

Darling told the boys that Mr. Hoyt was "fresh" or not, will, perhaps, never be known; but, as Mr. Hoyt passed around among the slabs where they were at work, each made a contribution from the "stiff" he was at work upon to Mr. Hoyt's coat pockets unbeknown to him.