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Updated: August 12, 2024

'He bamboozle the jury hevery time. He cut up bad though." Charley raised his hand with a nervous gesture of misery and impatience. "'Where have you been, that man say 'where have you been all these times not to know 'bout Charley Steele, hein? 'In the backwoods, I say. 'What bring you here now? he ask. 'I have a case, I say. 'What is it? he ask.

"Gentlefolk, so I'm told," replied the lady, drawing herself up at the very mention of the name; "and I hintend, and I 'ope my children will do the same, to treat them as fellow-creatures with hevery consideration." "And how old is the babies, ma?" inquired Miss Jemima, whose gentility sometimes had the advantage of her grammar.

"Now God preserve our noble Queen, Likewise her Ministers serene; And may they ever steer a course To make things better 'stead of worse, And England's flag triumphant fly, The dread of hevery he-ne-my." "You call dat singing! Stop now! I sing a song you nebber hear in all your life," cried Opposition Bill, tuning his fiddle. "And never wish to hear again, most likely," replied Dick.

An' that man 'e war shaddered hevery day acrost Wo-Winyar, an' hees bullicks collared hevery night with Bob or Bat; an' them bullicks har'ly fit ter crawl with fair poverty. Dirty! W'y, Chows ain't in it with them varmin f'r dirtiness." Here followed a steady torrent of red vituperation, showing that Price took a strong personal interest in the respectable man with the two teams.

"Then you're ready to put off at once." "At once!" The captain stared his amazement. "'Ere it is night. At once, 'e says!" "It's very necessary that we go at once," said Curlie firmly, "and I believe you have your orders." "To be hat your service in hevery particular." "All right then, we must be on our way in an hour." "Wot course?" The skipper rose to his feet.

I dreams of her hevery night, and I feels as tho' we 'ud never, never get back to the dear blue mountains again. No," continued Joe, shaking his dark head, "I never, never could love Jesus better nor my mother." "I don't remember my mother," said Cecile; "and I think I love Jesus the Guide even better than I love Maurice. But oh, Joe, I'm a selfish little girl.

And that P'tite Louison, she kiss us hevery one, and say to M'sieu' Hadrian, 'Charles, I love you, but I cannot go. He laugh at her, and say, 'Voila! we will take them all with us: and P'tite Louison she laugh. That night a thing happen. The Cure come, and he look ver' mad, and he frown and he say to M'sieu' Hadrian before us all, 'M'sieu', you are married.

"Alass! he WAS neglectin it, and all his sober and industerous habits. He begann to give dinners, and thought nothin of partys to Greenwich or Richmond. He didn't see his Hemily near so often: although the hawdacious and misguided young man might have done so much more heasily now than before: for now he kep a Broom! "But there's a tumminus to hevery Railway.

There was short, plump girls, there was tall, slim girls, and the handsomest ever seen They was four-foot-five, they was six-foot high, and hevery size between. "Chorus! you !" They had kind grey eyes, they had coal-black eyes, and the grandest ever seen They had plump pink hands, they had slim white hands, and hevery shape be-tw-e-e-n.

Toes!" an' all 'long that toe line yeh can git the same call to the brain. This keeps father quiet a long time, then sez 'e, 'I say, doctor, is ther' many of them nerves? ''Undreds of 'em. 'Hevery part of the body got nerves? 'Yes. 'Hankles? calves? shins? 'Yes, all got nerves. 'Well, doctor, sez father, quite triumphant, 'w'en yeh cut through hankles, shins, an' heverythin', all them nerves begin to shout, don't they? 'Yes, sez the doctor, not seein' w'ere father was at.

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