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I was shaving shortly after eight o'clock on the morning of Gorman's party when my servant came into my room. "I beg pardon, sir," he said, "but there's a young man waiting in the hall, says that he wants to see you." It seemed odd that any one should want to see me at that hour. "Who is he?" I said. "Don't know, sir. Gives his name as Gorman. But he's not our Mr. Gorman."

I had accepted the office, pledged beforehand to the approval of Gorman's policy and therefore had no right to intervene. What claim had I to insist on Ascher's doing this or that? I should not feel myself justified in calling on an archbishop and insisting on drastic alterations in the Apostle's Creed.

But he was depressed and lonely on Salissa. He chatted cheerily enough to Donovan. He was always bright and talkative at meals. But he confessed to Gorman several times that he missed Madame Ypsilante very much. It was Gorman's curious fortune at this time to receive the love confidences of three different people. Phillips had poured raptures into his ear during the voyage to the island.

If the rock in the fair-way is got ready before my return, blast it at once, without waiting for me. You will find one of Siebe and Gorman's voltaic batteries in my lodging, also a frictional electrical machine, which you can use if you prefer it. In the store there is a large supply of tin-cases for gunpowder and compressed gun-cotton charges.

Ascher and I retired modestly to the back of what I may call the dress circle. After a while when the performance was well under way, Gorman's brother came in. I suppose the greater part of his evening's work was done and he was able to leave the task of dealing with late comers to some subordinate clerk.

If a big financial magnate will not supply money for an enterprise on the merits of the thing he is not likely to do so because a friend asks him. Besides I cannot, or could not at that time, boast of being Ascher's intimate friend. However Gorman's mistake was no affair of mine. "If Ascher goes in at all," I said, "he'll do it on a pretty big scale. He'll simply absorb the rest of you."

There was a little strained silence, then Miss Draper picked up the serving tray and hurried into the kitchen. Mrs. Gorman wiped her eyes as she saw her sister's departure. "You mustn't think we're queer," she said at length. "But I suppose your saying you are an artist brought all her trouble back to Grace, poor girl." Mrs. Gorman's eyes threatened to overflow again.

'By the way, cried Nina suddenly, 'did I tell you that Mary wished me joy this morning. She had overheard Mr. Gorman's declaration, and believed he had asked me to be his wife. 'How absurd! said Kate, and there was anger as well as shame in her look as she said it. 'Of course it was absurd.

The men who are in the best position to know about cash registers, who are most interested in their future " "The makers of the existing machines?" "Exactly. That is to say, if I am right about my visitor." "But how did they how could any one know about Tim Gorman's invention?" Ascher shrugged his shoulders. "Surely," I said, "Gorman can't have been such a fool as to talk to newspaper reporters."

During the long night ride it had been decided to strike at Gorman's ranch first; thence to follow the creek trail up to Dutch Henry's, despatch him in turn, to cross rapidly a narrow rough divide beyond which they could reach Hawk's cabin on the east fork of the Turkey and thence sweep into the northwest to clean out the smaller fry the "chicken feed" rustlers as Van Horn called them.