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No people in the world are fonder of animals than this genial race, but here again curious limits to their affection are to be discovered, for while they will tear to pieces some abandoned wretch who beats a llama with a hazel twig for its correction, they will see nothing remarkable in the tearing to pieces of an alpaca goat by dogs specially trained in that exercise.

Newman says that the Turks are supposed to have a great tenderness for animals. There is a popular saying, which he quotes, "A Turk cares more for the life of a cat than of a man." The following curious scene was witnessed by him in a town on his way to Aleppo: "A goat was to be killed, and we had some chance of a bit if one of us would seize a part of the animal before it was dead.

And that God might, in the language of Moses, give us to see cause of the necessity of this redemption, he first distinguisheth, and saith, 'The firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, did not need this redemption, for they were clean, or holy.

Not having any goat, the Tarasconer had the idea of employing an imitation, and he set to crying in a tremulous voice: "Baa-a-a!" At first it was done very softly, because at bottom he was a little alarmed lest the lion should hear him; but as nothing came, he baa-ed more loudly. Still nothing.

I don't think Garrard yes, it is Garrard ever did anything better; so sweetly mythological a goat and a dear little chubby boy, and ever so many savage-looking persons with cymbals." "The education of Jupiter, perhaps," suggested Captain Winstanley. "Of course. The savage persons must be teaching him music. Have you seen this liqueur cabinet, dear Mrs. Tempest?

"I'm a burglar-fox!" was the answer. "I'm coming to rob you." "Oh, my!" cried Mrs. Goat, when she heard that. "Get a gun, and shoot him, Mr. Goat." And at that Billie and Nannie began to cry, for they were afraid of burglars, and Uncle Butter got up, and began looking for a whistle, with which to call a policeman dog, but he couldn't find it.

The minister, who comes to see Ma every three times a week, was just ringing the bell and the goat thought he wanted to be nishiated too, and gave him one, for luck, and then went down the sidewalk, blatting, and sneezing, and the minister came in the parlor and said he was stabbed, and then Pa came out of his room with his suspenders hanging down, and he didn't know the minister was there, and he said cuss words, and Ma cried and told Pa he would go to hell sure, and Pa said he didn't care, he would kill that kussid goat afore he went, and I told Pa the minister was in the parlor, and he and Ma went down and said the weather was propitious for a revival, and it seemed as though an outpouring of the spirit was about to be vouchsafed to His people, and none of them sot down but Ma, cause the goat didn't hit her, and while they were talking relidgin, with their mouths, and kussin the goat inwardly, my chum and me adjourned the lodge, and I went and stayed with him all night, and I haven't been home since.

White Cloud picked up a goat skin, heavy with its deep silky fur and with its rich splendour covered over the glittering mass of Raven's cheap and tawdry stuff. "Good trade," said White Cloud. "Him," pointing to the skin, "and," turning it back, "him," laying his hand upon the goods beneath. Raven smiled carelessly, pulled out a flask from his pocket, took a drink and passed it to the others.

Solomin exclaimed as soon as they found themselves in the street, "I am going to take a cab and go straight back to the factory. What can we do here until dinnertime? A sheer waste of time, kicking our heels about, and I am afraid our worthy merchant is like the well-known goat, neither good for milk nor for wool." "The wool is there right enough," Markelov observed gloomily.

Windsor, a most respectable old town round which the railroad sweeps, with its iron bridge, conspicuous King's College, and handsome church spire, is a great place for plaster and limestone, and would be a good location for a person interested in these substances. Indeed, if a man can live on rocks, like a goat, he may settle anywhere between Windsor and Halifax.