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"Come close to the fire," he said, and pulled up a chair for her. Then he threw more wood upon the red coals. "You must be careful not to catch cold out here. The altitude makes a cold dangerous. And that gown is no protection." "Glenn, one chair used to be enough for us," she said, archly, standing beside him.

Carley received some meed of gratification out of the sensation she created, but she did not carry her craving for it to the point of overshadowing Flo. On the contrary, she contrived to have Flo share the attention she received. She taught Flo to dance the fox-trot and got Glenn to dance with her. Then she taught it to Lee Stanton.

If we can do that without interruption, it would even be well to draw off without firing a shot. But the bombs must be placed squarely within the German settlement or our work will count for nothing." "Right you are, Captain," said Captain Glenn. "Very good, then. Now, you fellows get to your places and then move toward the clearing. As soon as you see my men moving across the opening, advance."

She opened it herself. "Step out into the corridor," he said, sternly; "I want to speak to you." And trembling with apprehension caused by his stern manner, Dorothy obeyed. She could see, even in the dim light, that his face was white as death. "I have come to have an understanding with you, Dorothy Glenn!" he cried hoarsely.

In the silence a footstep sounded without, and then a form appeared in the doorway. It was Glenn. "I followed you," he said to me; "and !" He saw the woman, and a low cry broke from her. "Agnes! Agnes!" he cried, with something of sternness and a little shame. "I have come to you again-Robert," she brokenly, but not abjectly, said.

He shore riled Glenn, an' I want to say, my dear, you missed the best thing that's happened since you got here." "Hurry tell me," begged Carley, feeling the blood come to her face. "I rode over to Ryan's place for dad, an' when I got there I knew nothing about what Ruff said to you," began Flo, and she took hold of Carley's hand. "Neither did dad. You see, Glenn hadn't got there yet.

"Priscilla Glynn," she faltered, "hide her, hide her forever, hide poor Priscilla Glenn." Then her thoughts flew back to the recent past. She had found Margaret alone in her own library. "Now how did you know I wanted you more than any one else in the world?" Margaret had said. "When did you get back? You baddest of the bad! Why did you hide from me? Where were you?" "In Bermuda."

When they arrived at the edge of the camp, Glenn dismounted from the wagon, and directing Joe to follow when he had taken care of the horses, drew near the huge log fire in company with those who had gone out to meet him.

Then Glenn Murell broke in on the monotone call for help and the prayer. "We're done for if we stay down here another hour," he said. "Any argument on that?" There wasn't any. Joe Kivelson opened his eyes and looked around. "We haven't raised anything at all on the radio," Murell went on. "That means nobody's within an hour of reaching us. Am I right?"

Nathaniel's grandfather, with his wife and fifteen children, had been the first white settlers of Kenmore. So eager had the Indians been to have this first Glenn among them that it is said they offered him any amount of land he chose to select, and Glenn had taken only so much as would insure him a decent farm and prospects.