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George that "them two little jool-eyed scuts was limbs av the old gint himself, and they reminded him, Barnay, of a pair of haythen naygurs," than which he could say no more. But then, Barnay's wholesale skepticism was his only recreation, save talking about his pretty daughter "of school age," and he liked to stand tucking his beard inside his collar and indulging in both.

"They haven't got money enough in the bank to take the little mare from us yet, have they, Mike?" Porter said to Gaynor, full of his pride in Lucretia. "That they haven't, sor," replied Mike, proudly. "But, faith, I wish th' gint hadn't come a-tryin' to buy her; it's bad luck to turn down a big offer fer any horse." Porter smiled indulgently. This stable superstition did not appeal to him.

Pollock coaxed his uncle to train Darrin and myself. Right faithfully the old gentleman did it, too. Why, Pop Gint, today, is as much of a boy " "Oh, shut up!" grated Fred, harshly, turning upon his rival. "Mr. Luce, I throw down the team as far as I'm concerned. I won't pitch as an inferior to these two boobies. Scratch my name off." "I'll give you a day or two, Mr.

"Well, I should say so. Why, Pop Gint was the famous old trainer who taught Everett and a half dozen other of our best national pitchers all they first learned about style. Pop Gint is the best trainer of pitchers that ever was." "Pop Gint is an uncle of Mr. Pollock, editor of 'The Blade," Dick went on, smilingly. "Pop Gint has retired, and won't teach for money, any more. But Mr.

"Gee, but it's hot to-day," muttered Tom Reade, fanning himself with his straw hat. "Oh, what wouldn't I give, right now, for a good swim down at Foster's Pond!" muttered Purcell moodily. "Well, why can't we have it?" suggested Gint. "We couldn't get back by the time recess is over," replied Purcell. "The end of recess would be when we did get back, wouldn't it!" asked a senior.

"You spy!" hissed Fred angrily, but Dick, not heeding his enemy, continued: "The way Ripley started out, the first showing he made, Darrin and I saw that we were left in the stable. Candidly, we were in despair of doing anything real in the box, after Ripley got through. But I suppose all you gentlemen have heard of Pop Gint?" "Gint! Old Pop?" demanded Coach Luce, a light glowing in his eyes.

Thin Oi says, says Oi, 'O'Toole, ye miserable divvil, av ye don't git aven wid thot foine young gint, ye ought to be hanged fer a shnake. Oi knew ye would be thrapped thot same noight, Misther Merriwell, an' Oi rode loike th' ould bhoy to cut yez off an' get me finger in the poie. You remimber pwhat happened."

Gallup uttered a cry of exasperation as he recognized the Mexican. "Look here, Barney," he exclaimed, "here's old Wan! Consarn his pate, he's followed Juanita!" "Begorra, we'll have to soak the persistint gint in the neck!" burst from the young Irishman. Murillo backed away a bit, and his hand came forth from his bosom. It grasped a small shining revolver.

The owld gint thinks so, too, an' that's why he's so hot afther catchin' him. May the divil admoire me av Oi know where this Maclaire gyurl comes in, but Oi'll bet the black divil has get her marked fer some part in the play. What would Oi do? Be goory, Oi'd go to Sheridan, an' foind the Gineral, an' till him all I knew. Maybe he could piece it together, an' guess what Hawley was up ter."

And to think that he used to be a red-hot revolutionist, and called the Firebrand of Sonora! As a fighter, he was a rip-tearer. As a baby nuss he's the greatest expert that ever wore men's trousers." "Begob, the don is all roight, all roight," agreed Barney. "The only gint who iver downed him was Frankie Merriwell.