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Updated: August 9, 2024

"You spent the best years of your life in persuading me to get married, and the first time I try to do the same for you, you make for the tall timber!" "I know it," admitted Kerns, unashamed; "I'm bashful. I'm a chipmunk for shyness, so I'll say good night " "Come back," said Gatewood coldly. "But my suit case " "You left it at the Lee's, didn't you?

"I well I well, let it go at that." "Secondly, with all your crimes and felonies, you have one decent trait left: you really would like to fall in love. And I suspect you'd even marry." "There are grounds," said Gatewood guardedly, "for your suspicions. Et après?" "Good. Then there's a way! I know " "Oh, don't tell me you 'know a girl, or anything like that!" began Gatewood sullenly.

From time to time they held some rare vintage aloft, squinting through the crystal-imprisoned crimson with deep content. "Not that my word is necessarily the last word concerning Burgundy," said Gatewood modestly; "but I venture to doubt that any club in America can match this bottle, Kerns." "Now, Jack," wheedled Kerns, "isn't it pleasant to dine here once in a while? Be frank, man!

O beloved, awake!" And once more: "Nehes! O Samaris!" Silence, broken by a strange, sweet, drowsy plaint like a child awakened at midnight by a dazzling light. "Samaris!" Then, through the stillness, a little laugh, and a softly tremulous voice: "Ari un āhā, O Entuk sen!" "What we want to do," said Gatewood over the telephone, "is to give you a corking little dinner at the Santa Regina.

But he continued to push the button, nevertheless. Gatewood leaned back in his chair and gazed about him, nose in the air. "What a life!" he observed virtuously. "It's all I can do to stand it for ten minutes. You're here for the evening, I suppose?" he added pityingly. "No," said Kerns; "I'm going uptown to Billy Lee's house to get my suit case.

"I may as well canter out to Tiffany's this morning, I fancy. . . . Where are you going, Jack?" "To see Keen and confess what an ass I've been!" returned Gatewood sullenly, striding across the breakfast room to take his hat and gloves from the rack. And out he went, mad all over. On his way up the avenue he attempted to formulate the humiliating confession which already he shrank from.

It only shows that women have no particular monopoly in the realms of diplomacy and finesse; in fact, if a man really chooses to put his mind to such matters, he can make it no trumps and win out behind a bum ace and a guarded knave." He was pleased with himself. He followed Gatewood about explaining how good he had been to him.

For a second Gatewood stared as though in the young girl before him the ghost of his ideal had risen to confront him only for a second; then he bowed, matching her perfect acknowledgment of his presence by a bearing and courtesy which must have been inbred to be so faultless. And he followed her to Room 19. What had Keen meant by saying, "The lady you describe exists!"

Dearie will be found some day " "Some day," snarled Gatewood, "I shall destroy you, Tommy." "Naughty! Naughty!" reflected Kerns, pensively assaulting the breakfast food. "Lovey must not worry; Dovey shall be found, and all will be joy and gingerbread. . . . If you throw that orange I'll run screaming to the governors. Aren't you ashamed just because you're in a love tantrum!"

"Where has that woman where has she gone? . . . Never mind; she must turn and pass us sooner or later, for she lives uptown. What are you laughing at, Mr. Gatewood?" in annoyed surprise. "I am laughing at myself. Oh, I'm so many kinds of a fool you can't think how many, and it's no use!" She stared, astonished; he shook his head. "No, you don't understand yet. But you will.

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