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Even to the sea will I return, and to the little bay where she is wont to sing, and I will call to her and tell her the evil I have done and the evil thou hast wrought on me. And his Soul tempted him and said, 'Who is thy love, that thou shouldst return to her? The world has many fairer than she is. There are the dancing-girls of Samaris who dance in the manner of all kinds of birds and beasts.

O beloved, awake!" And once more: "Nehes! O Samaris!" Silence, broken by a strange, sweet, drowsy plaint like a child awakened at midnight by a dazzling light. "Samaris!" Then, through the stillness, a little laugh, and a softly tremulous voice: "Ari un āhā, O Entuk sen!" "What we want to do," said Gatewood over the telephone, "is to give you a corking little dinner at the Santa Regina.

Here is the literal translation in columns: "And this is what that letter, thousands of years old, means in this language of ours, hundreds of years young: 'I, Meris the King, seized little Samaris, a harpist and a dancing girl, eighteen years of age, belonging to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, and carried her away at night on shipboard a voyage of five days to my house. Pray for me!"

Then, averting his head, the Tracer of Lost Persons swung open the panel. A flood of sunshine flashed on Burke's face; he entered; and the paneled door closed behind him without a sound. Minute after minute passed; the Tracer stood as though turned to stone, gray head bent. Then he heard Burke's voice ring out unsteadily: "O Ket Samaris Samaris! O Ket Samaris Nehes!" And again: "Samaris! Samaris!

The prostrate figure which crumbled to powder at your touch may have been the very priest to whom this letter or papyrus was written. Perhaps the bearer of the scroll was a traitor and stabbed the priest as he was reading the missive. Who can tell how that priest died? He either died or betrayed his trust, for he never aroused the little Samaris from her suspended animation.

which means literally 'the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. Under that is the significant symbol representing an arm and a hand holding a stick. This always means force to take forcibly or to use violence. Therefore, so far, we have the following literal translation: 'I, Meris the King, little Samaris, eighteen, a harpist, dancing girl, the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, to take by violence "

Can the life flame burn indefinitely when the functions are absolutely suspended generation after generation, century after century?" Burke, ghastly white, straightened up, quivering in every limb; the Tracer, as pale as he, laid his hand on the secret panel. "If if you dare say it the phrase is this: 'O Ket Samaris, Nehes! 'O Little Samaris, awake!" "I dare. In Heaven's name, open that door!"

"How does all this bear upon what concerns me?" demanded Burke. "Wait!" Something in the quiet significance of the Tracer's brief command sent a curious thrill through the younger man. "That," said Mr. Keen, "is the ancient Egyptian word for 'little, 'Ket. The next, below, written in two lines, is 'Samaris, a proper name the name of a woman.