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Updated: August 29, 2024

Oh, dear, dear!" Auntie, she just stands there gaspin' and tryin' to unlimber her lorgnette. As for Old Hickory, he watches the proceedings breathless for a second or so before he can make out what's happenin'. Then he roars: "Hey, stop 'em, somebody! Stop 'em, I say!" That listened to me like my cue, and while I've never been strong for mixin' in a muss, I jumped into this one lively.

Billy Dime might make it if he didn't get too much red-eye in him first. Bud ain't steady enough and it wouldn't look right if I was the only rider here to take a chance. I dunno." "What you gaspin' about?" queried Collie. "Nothin', kid. You can get hosses ready for all the ladies for to-morrow mornin' at six sharp. Sabe? I got orders to send you over with 'em. Mebby you're some proud now, eh?

His hands were spread, and held up, with their palms outwards, as if in the act of pushing something back that seemed to approach him. "Help," he shouted, "he is comin' on me he will have me powerless in a minute. He is gaspin' now, as he Stay back, stay back here here, help; it's the murdhered man he's upon me. Oh! Oh, God! he's comin' nearer and nearer. Help me save me!"

An' say, I'm yearnin' jest gaspin' to wipe out the score. I don't sort o' care a bit for your loss. That ain't my funeral. But they've beat me plumb out same as if I was some sucker who ain't never roped an' branded a three-year-old steer since I was pupped. Are you comin' along? They struck out northwest. We got that, an' the boys is follerin' hard on their trail.

I'm gaspin my tongue's out; look at me, like a dog, behind this ditch, an' my tongue out!" The son at this period would have awoke him, but he became more composed, for a time, and enjoyed apparently a refreshing sleep. Still, it soon was evident that he dreamt, and as clear that a change had come o'er the spirit of his dream. "Who'll prevent me!" he exclaimed. "Isn't he my son our only child?

"You don't mean that?" exclaimed Miles, rather shocked. "In course I does. But they heard 'im gaspin', an cut him down in time to save him. It was drink they say as made him do it, and they got him to sign the pledge arterwards. I believe he's kep' it too.

An' while he stood gaspin' fer breath she lit in to beggin' him not to tell nobody about the'r little flirtation. She said folks would think it was silly of her, an' if Jim Cahews meant business, which it looked like he did, a tale like that might sp'ile her chances." "Huh," grunted Henley, "she was getting down to bedrock, wasn't she?" "Well, I don't blame 'er," said the widow, charitably.

Do you wonder I stands gaspin' on the curb until after they've turned the corner? Think of that from Aunty! "Well?" says Mr. Robert, as I blows in about quittin' time. "Any new quotations in sculpture?" "If you think that's a merry jest," says I, "call up Aunty.

"You see, we were talking, her lovely face was very close, her glorious eyes were shining into mine, when suddenly well, it seemed as if I became dizzy, and the next moment I seized her brutally in my arms and and " "Good night!" says I, gaspin'. "What did she hit you with?" "I I can't say exactly what happened next," says Dudley. "I think I dropped her and ran out here."

They tried to console her by lettin' her see her teeth get put in a mustard box to go to the city to be mended, but the worst of it is 's two of the teeth can't be found in the square, 'n' Deacon White thinks he swallowed 'em when he laid there gaspin' so wide open. He says he never knowed such queer feelin's 's he had las' night. Mrs.

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