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You might as well be perspiring to some purpose over there as gaspin' under this tree. We won't go back to work this afternoon, but knock off now, and call it half a day. Come! Hump yourselves, gentlemen. Are you ready? One, two, three, and away!"

'An' before they had time to rise agin, his Raverince, wid the fair astonishment, giv his horse one dig iv the spurs, an' before he knew where he was, in he went, horse an' all, a-top iv them, an' down to the bottom. 'Up they all kem agin together, gaspin' and puffin', an' off down wid the current wid them, like shot in under the arch iv the bridge till they kem to the shallow wather.

"There's plenty for me to do," she replied; "there's the sick an' the dyin' on all hands about me, an' it's a shame for any one that has a heart in their body, to see their fellow-creatures gaspin' for want of a dhrop of cowld wather to wet their lips, or a hand to turn them where they lie.

Oh, me and Martha had a real heart to heart talk that night, and when I fin'lly goes up to my top floor suite I leaves her fannin' herself and gaspin' for breath. But she'd asked for facts, and I'd handed 'em over. How was I to guess what was goin' to be the follow up on that?

An' I remember distinctly fer it was what made all these things whirl out of my mind an' opened my eyes I remember distinctly it was the smell of gunpowder. "The court had about adjourned fer thet judge. He was on his knees, en' he wasn't prayin'. He was gaspin' an' tryin' to press his big, floppin', crippled hands over his body. Lassiter had sent all those last thunderin' shots through his body.

I trembled all over, 'n' I backed off quite a little ways 'n' looked at him. He kept chokin' 'n' gaspin' 'n' purple 'n' swallowin', 'n' after a while I got up courage to ask him where Cousin Marion was. 'N' then oh, Mrs. Lathrop! 'n' then well, honest, I thought's he was goin' to bust! 'n' then, 'I'm Cousin Marion! he yelled right in my face, 'I'm Cousin Marion, Susan Clegg! 'n' at that, Mrs.

'So the dhress-rehearsal came to an end, an', bekaze I was curious, I stayed behind whin the scene-shiftin' was ended, an' I shud ha' been in barricks, lyin' as flat as a toad under a painted cottage thing. They was talkin' in whispers, an' she was shiverin' an' gaspin' like a fresh-hukked fish.

"Ally Bazan an' me, an' Strokher an' Hardenberg, we's all leanin' over the fence a-watchin'; when all to once I ups an' groans some sad. The party in the hinder end o' the boat bein' feemale. "'Ain't we never goin' to git shut of 'em? says I; but the words ain't no more'n off my teeth when Strokher pipes up: "'It's she, says he, gaspin' as though shot hard.

I only knew she couldn't bear nothin' like like lyin' awake nights gaspin' an' fightin' with awful fear. She couldn't she couldn't." "But there are girls women, who have to bear it," said Miss Amory. "Good God, who have to!" "Yes yes yes," cried Susan. She drew her hand across her brow as if suddenly it felt damp, and for a moment her eyes looked wild with a memory of some awful thing.

And as he says the last two words he puts his palms at right angles to his ears, thumbs in, and bows three times. "Eh?" says I, gawpin'. "I refer," says Cyril, "to the Brotherhood of the Sacred Owls, which is also named the Sublime Order of Humility and Wisdom." And once more he does the ear wigwag. Believe me, he had us all gaspin'. "Vurra good, Eddie!" says I. "Sacred Owls, eh?