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ONLY none of the billiard-room gang had jined, and they was the fish we was really tryin' for. "'Twas next March afore one of 'em did come into the net, though we'd have on all kinds of bait suppers and free ice cream Saturday nights, and the like of that. And meantime things had been happenin'. "The fust thing of importance was Gabe's leavin' town. Our Cape winter weather was what fixed him.

"I ain't going to write. When I get here we'll just take in a show, and the younger you look the better I'll like it." But on the occasion of Gabe's spring trip he encountered a statuesque blonde person where Effie had been wont to reign. "Miss er Bauer out of town?" The statue melted a trifle in the sunshine of Gabe's ingratiating smile.

If he were caught, the boy might confess. With silence Rome gave assent, and the two parted in an apathy that was like heartlessness. Only old Gabe's shrunken breast heaved with something more than weariness of descent, and Rome stood watching him a long time before he turned back to the cave that had sheltered him from his enemies among beasts and men.

It sailed up and up in a long curve, began to drop, passed over the piazza roof, and out of sight. "'Lock your door, Miss Sterzer, sung out Fred Bearse 'Willie' for short. 'Lock your door and keep that ball. I think your father's paper is inside it. "As sure as my name is Barzilla Wingate, he had kicked that football straight through the open window into old Gabe's room."

Some thought one man was lying, some thought the other was, and Jasper's death lay between the two. State troops came then, under the Governor's order, from the Blue Grass, and Rome had to drift down the river one night in old Gabe's canoe and on Out of the mountains for good. Martha Lewallen, who, though Jasper's sister, and the last of the name, loved and believed Rome, went with him.

When the tie business begun and Gaius and Dan was bribin' the billiard roomers to jine the club, 'twas him that fixed how they should vote so's to keep the deadlock goin'. 'Twas him that put Bassett up to proposin' him as a member. 'Twas him that suggested Gabe's comin' back to Gaius. 'Twas him that But what's the use? 'Twas him all along. He was IT.

Here he is, layin' his hand on 'Willie's' shoulder. Bearse, the All-American half-back last year. "Gabe's mouth fell open. 'Not "Bung" Bearse, of Yarvard! he sings out. 'Why! "'Of course, father! purrs his daughter, smilin' and happy. 'I knew him at once. He and I were er slightly acquainted when I was at Highcliffe. "'But but "Bung" Bearse! gasps the old gent. 'Why, you rascal!

"'HE has, says Tompkins, with a wink, 'but the rest of us ain't. We pledged our votes to Dan Bassett, and we ain't the kind to go back on our word. Dan himself'll vote for Gabe; so'll Gaius and his reg'lar tribe. That'll make twelve, countin' Holway's own. "'Make seventeen, you mean, says I. 'Gaius and his crowd's fifteen and Dan's sixteen and Gabe's seven

They drove the rest of the way to the upper end of the Park in silence. He ordered the driver to turn. He said to her; "Well, do you get the sack or does the house get the order?" She was silent. "Shall I drive you home or shall we stop at Gabe's for a drink?" "Could I have champagne?" said she. "Anything you like if you choose right." "I haven't any choice," said she.

Old Gabe's canoe his second canoe was gone, and a Marcum and a Brayton worked side by side at the mill hollowing out another. The miller sat at the door whittling. "'Pears like folks is havin' bad luck with thar dugouts." said Brayton. "Some trifin' cuss took old Steve Brayton's jes to cross the river, without the grace to tie it to the bank, let 'lone takin' it back.