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You an' me won't agree to no sech damn foolishness, because we both on us know that there's no sech Christian charity an' love as that in the world; an' if there should turn out to be, we're afraid we'd have to do likewise. I thought I was safe enough proposin' sech a plan, doctor." There was a great shout of laughter, in spite of the respect for Doctor Prescott.

"I was genna say," he said, "that we maun get a hand o' a puckle men o' abeelity an' straucht-forritness, an' I have much pleasure in proposin' a vote of thanks to oor worthy freend, Mester Bowden, for comin' forrit to abolish the Toon Cooncil o' every rissim o' imposeeshin, till taxation shall vanish into oblivion, an' be a thing o' the past. Mester Bowden is a man "

Labe Keeler's been talkin' to ME, and when you come down here and began proposin' the same scheme that I was just about headin' up to your room with to propose to you, then well, then the average whole-witted person wouldn't need more'n one guess. It couldn't be Labe, 'cause he'd been whisperin' in MY ear, so it must have been the other partner in the firm. That's all the miracle there is to it."

"Hadn't yez betther wait," she tremblingly began, scarcely knowing what she was about to propose "another night 'ill do as well for Whelan." "How's this," interrupted one of them, "Nanny, you growing lukewarm! you proposin' another night are you beginnin' to be afeard we'll be hindhered from payin' him off, or are you repentin' yer former anxious desire?"

She's been a mighty good friend and neighbor ever since my wife died; but she wouldn't look at the likes of me. 'Twouldn't be the least use of proposin' to her." "How do you know it wouldn't? You are not afraid of proposing, are you?" "No, of course not; but I can't run over and propose, as I would ask her to lend me some clothes-line.

But bhoys, the speaker went on, with a whispered emphasis, 'we're Christian men, I hope, and we can't dream of allowing those poor infidels to peril their immortal salvation by the eating of strange food. It's eternal loss to the soul of a Mussulman that puts a knife and fork into a griskin. And I'm proposin' a work of Christian charity. Have ye got the matayrials for a fire handy?

Now, what are you proposin' of dewin'? We want tew git th' gold an' git out of here as soon as we can," and he lowered his voice. "I can't see but one thing for us to do, Ham," Mr.

'Twas all Kilcraithie could do to keep her from proposin' your health with Hieland honors, and offerin' to lead off with her ain foot on the table! Ay, and she'd ha' done it. And that's a braw rose she's been givin' ye and ye got out of it claverly wi' Lady Deeside."

Came the voice of big Sam Slawson from within his chamber: "Just what I say to you, my dear. It ain't your funeral. Come back, Martha, an' go to bed." "Well, that's another pair o' shoes, entirely, Sammy," whispered Martha. "This business has been goin' on long enough, an' I ain't proposin' to put up with it no longer. Such a state o' things has nothin' to recommend it.

Living Skeletons have to be handled gingerly, madam. I am sure the ruffian deserves all you can give him. May I inquire what villain's work he is guilty of?" "He's been proposin' marriage, that's what he's been doin'," cried Mrs. Spink. "I'm a widder lady, and he's been proposin' marriage to Me." "Dangerous, dangerous very dangerous," said the Professor.