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Updated: August 28, 2024

Watts, the Bishop's wife, had become used, as she expressed it, to his "fetchin' any old thing, frum an old hoss to an old man home, wharever he finds 'em," she did not express any surprise at having a new addition to the family. The outlaw looked nervous and sorrow-stricken.

I've thought, the last few days, you was lookin' kind o' peaked and down in the mouth; so, seein' as we found a letter for you that was somehow overlooked this afternoon, I decided I'd bring it along. Might be fetchin' you a fortune, for all I knew." Mrs. Driscoll's smile vanished, and her eyes looked eagerly into the good-humored red face, as Mr.

Wade had seen into the depths of many such abysses. "See hyar, Wade," broke in Jim, with his quiet force, "never mind fetchin' thet red-hot rye to-night. Some other time, mebbe, when Jack wants more satisfaction. Reckon we've got a drop or so left." "All right, boys," replied Wade, "I'll be sayin' good night." He left them playing and strode out to return to his cabin.

Nevertheless, his eyes wandered to the hatch on which he was seated. "Did you find anything disturbed there?" said Renshaw, following the direction of his eye. "Was that hatch fastened as it is now?" "It was," said Nott, calmly. "But ye wouldn't mind fetchin' me a hammer and some o' them big nails from the locker, would yer, while I hang round here just so ez to make sure against another attack."

An' Antonio was busy fetchin' splits for the old man, and the old man was wastin' 'em down the ventilators. There must 'ave been four inches in the bilges, I should think wardroom whisky- an'-soda. "Then I thought I might as well bear a hand as look pretty. So I let my bundoop go at fifteen 'undred sightin' very particular.

She riz like she was on springs, an' thumped across the room in her stockin'-feet, an' looked out o' the window, with me right in her wake. An' thar, as plain as a sheep in the middle of a stream, stood Dick a-pealin' an' eatin' the peaches his mammy was fetchin' him. An' now comes the part that may not suit you, Alf, one bit; but I've come to fetch the whole truth an' nothin' but the truth.

"Guess now they had 'em aboard to pull the wool over the eyes o' any customs men that happened to board the sloop lookin' for contraband stuff meant to claim they was fetchin' mahogany logs to a States market. Gee whiz! they sure are a tough proposition to move around but here's the cutest little fort any playboy could wish for.

We're going to wait on you now, and don't you believe we haven't put by the pick of the pies for you all! The captain is fetchin' the tackers, and Pasqual's fetchin' the food. But what about old Pedro and the coyote?" "John, don't call names, 'specially hard ones. They always come home to roost.

But Lisbeth had gone too far now to check herself, and after scarcely a minute's quietness she began again. "Thee mightst know well enough who 'tis I'd like t' ha' wi' me. It isna many folks I send for t' come an' see me. I reckon. An' thee'st had the fetchin' on her times enow." "Thee mean'st Dinah, Mother, I know," said Adam. "But it's no use setting thy mind on what can't be.

Later, 'Enery sought the sergeant. "Mind you this, sergeant," he said, "if there's any volunteerin' for the job o' fetchin' that chap in, he belongs to me. I found 'im." The sergeant grinned. "Robinson was here two minutes ago wi' the same tale," he said. "Seems you're all in a great hurry to get shot." "Like his bloomin' cheek!" said the indignant 'Enery.

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