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You see, you a-growin' so fast you'll soon not care faw kitt'ns; you'll care for what I've got you. But don't ask what it is, faw I'd hate not to tell you, and I want yo' dear motheh to be with us when you find it out." It was fairly twilight when their horse neighed his pleasure that his crib was near.

The Deacon then repeated a short piece of poetry, his wife followed, and then all the children one after another, even down to Bob a little three-year-old, who just managed to lisp out, with a charming mixture of pride and bashfulness, Jesus, tender Seperd, Has' thou died faw me, Make me vewy fwankful In my heart to thee.

"My opinion?" said Richling, with a smile. "My opinion is that the Parish Prison would not be a good place to raise a family." Narcisse laughed. "I thing yo' opinion is co'ect," he said, flatteringly; then growing instantly serious, he added, "Yesseh, I think you' about a-'ight, Mistoo Itchlin; faw even if 'twas not too 'umid, 'twould be too confining, in fact, speshly faw child'en.

Thass whut we brought him oveh faw: to staht him in them Thawntum Stakes. I reckon he'll have to do the bes' he know how." "Are you going to bet on him?" "Says which?" Shanghai showed a double row of glistening ivories. "No, indeedy! Hawss got to show me befo' I leggo my small change! This Faro, he can't seem to win no mile races, so the boss he thinks he might do betteh in a long one.

Thattle skewer the white squatter and Nigger vote." The next clause there was only a line or two besides brought an audible exclamation from the reader: "Lassly faw evvy sich school house so bilt the sed Co. Limited shell pay a sum not less than its cost to some white male college in the three counties older then the sed Company Limited." John marvelled.

I don' seem to place you, jock. Where you been ridin'? East?" "I ain't a jock. I'm only gallopin' 'em. Who are you?" "Jockey Jones, whut rides faw Misteh Curry. If you ain't a jock, you sutny ought to be. You don't set a hawss like no exercise boy. Thass why I mistook you faw Walsh." "What horse is that?" "This jus' one 'em Curry beetles. Whut you got, jock?" "Zanzibar." "Any good?"

"That's the favorite method," replied Richling. "Well, I dunno 'ow 'tis, Mistoo Itchlin, but I fine the moze facil'ty in the poetic. 'Tis t'ue, in the poetic you got to look out concehning the 'ime. You got to keep the eye skin' faw it, in fact. But in the p'osaic, on the cont'a-ay, 'tis juz the opposite; you got to keep the eye skin' faw the sense. Yesseh.

"Boss," panted little Mose, "I kin do everything to thisyer hoss but stop him. He sutny do love to run once he git goin'. All the way down the stretch he was asayin' to me: 'Come on, jock! Lemme go round again! Yes, suh, he was beggin' me faw 'notheh mile!" "Ah-hah," said Old Man Curry. "That's the way it looked to me. Well, to-morrow we'll let him do that extra mile, but we'll get up earlier.

"Thaz the way, sometime," he said, and then with sudden gravity: "And, by-the-by, Misses Wiley, speakin' of Mistoo Itchlin, if you could baw' me two dollahs an' a 'alf juz till tomaw mawnin till I kin sen' it you fum the office Because that money I've got faw Mistoo Itchlin is in the shape of a check, and anyhow I'm c'owding me a little to pay that whole sum-total to Mistoo Itchlin.

"No, seh! no, seh! I means a country what's good faw a po' man, an' Widewood cayn't even be that 'ithout school-houses, seh! But thass what me an' you can make it, Mr. March. Why, thass the hence an' the whence that my constituents an' coefficients calls me School-house Leggett. Some men cusses me that I has mix' the races in school. Well, supposin' I has a little; I'se mix' myseff.